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趣找知识 2024-07-09知识百科


1、2024北京丰台高二(下)期末英 语笔试(共三部分100分)第一部分知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Gertrude Grew GreatGertrude was just an average kid with an average life. At home, she helped out just enough to slide by. At school, she did just enough homework to stay

2、out of 1 .She had straight Cs in all of her classes.One day Gertrudes teacher stopped her after class. “Gertrude,” he said, “Ive seen the work you do in class, and some of it is 2 .”Gertrude knew there were moments when she did try a little harder than what everyone 3 ,like when she took extra time

3、with her homework to make it look fancy. But she didnt really believe that she could change. She had done just enough to 4 for so long. In fact, she was scared by the thought of having the power to become whatever she wanted.That night, Gertrude had a dream. It was ten years into the future. She cou

4、ld not find an average job, because even the average jobs were 5 by above-average workers. Gertrude wanted her own place, her own life. A voice spoke in the dream: “The present is nothing more than the 6 of the choices made in the past.The future will only be the results of the choices we make today

5、.” Gertrude began crying, because she knew she had helped 7 the world where she lived, and the choices she made had produced the options she had.The next day, she tried harder in school, and she felt 8 than usual. She helped more around the house, and she felt better than typical. Soon the pattern o

6、f Success 9 that of being normal and Gertrude even became great at failing by learning from her mistakes. Ten years later, Gertrude lived in an average sized houseand she was just the average adult. But her 10 was above average, because her life was hers.1 A.order B.trouble C.sight D.debt2.A.challengingB.amusing C.amazing D.encouraging3.A.learned B.insisted C.expe

