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趣找知识 2024-07-12知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写各种各样说的描写素材一、必备单词【轻声说】whisper (低声说出)常指耳语、窃窃私语murmur/mutter (喃喃自语)多指别人不易听到的低语gossip 小声地悄悄地传开,八卦moan/complain/grumble 抱怨着说mumble/grunt 咕哝comfort 安慰说【大声说】call 喊叫cry 叫喊shout 呼喊scream 惊吓地尖叫yell 喊叫着说roar 咆哮growl 低沉地怒吼exclaim 惊叫【建议说】advise/propose/suggest/offer/recommend 建议argue 认为caution/warn 警告【权威

2、说】announce/declare 宣布claim/state 声称order 命令【问与答】ask / inquire/ enquire 询问reply/answer/respond 回答【结巴地说stammer/stutter/stumble 结结巴巴地说【其他“说”】add 补充说道 = continue 继续说道retort 反驳道explain 解释道state 陈述道protest 抗议道sob 哭诉道agree 同意地说comfort 安慰道promise 承诺道assure 保证道insist 坚持说repeat 重复地说gasp 气喘吁吁地说chorus 齐声说groan

3、呻吟着说二、高级词块with a smile 笑着with absolute certainty 斩钉截铁地with false enthusiasm 故作热情地with great seriousness 特别严肃地with sudden resolution 突然坚决地speak with passion 充满激情地说in a low tone/voice 低声地in a soft/gentle/mild tone 用温柔的语气说in a soft voice 以温柔的口吻in an excited/angry voice 以兴奋/生气的口吻in a whisper 低声说in surpr

4、ise 惊奇地through gritted teeth 咬牙切齿地mutter between teeth 低声含糊地说roar with laughter 大笑着说let out a scream of horror 发出恐惧的尖叫words of comfort 安慰的话utter a cry of joy/grief 发出快乐/悲痛的叫声三、句子赏析1.Hearing this, the tree smiled with relief, adding, “My dying trunk is the right one for you.Please come here and have

5、a seat.”2.Omar groaned with pain and opened his eyes, “Whats the matter, son?”3.Omar moistened his lips and shouted in a cracked voice, “Help! Help! Im down here.”4.When he was seated at the table in Jordanians tavern, he started to explain “the affair”.5.With a violent effort she conquered her grie

6、f and replied in a calm voice, “Ben stammered out an apology to me.”6.She greeted James and inquired, “Are you ready for our field trip?” James didnt respond.7.I picked up the ball one last time and grumbled endlessly with children about the sudden ball, “Please just come to get the damn ball.”8.A young man came to the police station, surrounde

