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趣找知识 2024-07-20知识百科


1、高考英语写作功能词“准备”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词 ( prepare, ready, pre-arrange, unprepare, warm, fit,gear, psych, intend, plan)prepare 使有准备;把准备好;预备prepare 做好准备to prepare for an examination 准备考试I had no time in which to prepare.(我已来不及做准备了。)prepare to do sth. 准备做某事prepare sth. 准备某事物to prepare a meal/ones lessons/

2、drug 预备饭菜/准备功课/配药prepare oneself for(sth. unpleasant)对(坏事)做好思想准备prepare sb./sth. for sth.(to do sth).让某人/某事物准备好去做某事(为做好准备)to prepare a metal surface for soldering by cleaning it with acid 用酸清洗金属表面为进行锡焊做好准备prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事物(多指不愉快的事)有所准备Prepare yourself for a nasty shock!(有件令人十分震惊的事,你要有所准备。

3、)prepare the ground/way for sth.为发展某事物准备条件(铺平道路)Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground/way for space travel. (早期进行的军用火箭试验为宇航事业的发展打下了基础。)ready 使作好准备ready sb./sth. for.使某人/某事物为做好准备The expedition readied itself during the summer. (探险队在夏季中作出发准备。)unprepare 使无准备或感到意外unprepare sb. 使某人无

4、准备/感到意外His purpose is precisely to unprepare the reader. (他的目的就是使读者感到意外。)2.形容词 ( prepared, unprepared, ready, strung, ripe, equipped, preparatory)to be(get) well/poorly prepared for sth.为某事作了充分的准备/准备不充分to be mentally prepared for a few years of austerity 准备过几年苦日子to be preprared to do sth.准备/愿意做某事to

5、fight no war unprepared不打无准备之仗to be unprepared for sth.对缺乏准备to be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事to be/get ready for sth. 准备to make ready for sth.为某事做好准备to be ready and waiting 做好充分准备以执行某任务或进行某活动to be strung up to do sth.已准备好做某事to be equipped for sth.为某事物做好了准备to be ripe for. 关于已准备就绪preparatory investigation

6、s/measures/training for. . 为准备而进行的调查/采取的措施/进行的训练3.名词 ( preparation, readiness, ready, preparedness, preparative, warm-up, set-up, make-up)to make preparations for sth./to do sth.为做好准备to make necessary/rough/mental/material/ample ( adequate )/thoroughgoing preparation(for. ) (为)做好必要的/大体上的/精神上的/物质上的/充分的/彻底的准备to do preparation 做准备to underta

