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趣找知识 2024-07-23知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写心理描写素材喜悦 (Joy)1.Her eyes sparkled with joy as she received the good news.2.He couldnt stop grinning(/grn/ 咧嘴笑), his heart bursting with joy.兴奋 (Excitement)1.Her heart raced with excitement as she opened the envelope.2.He could barely contain his excitement, bouncing on his toes.生气(Anger)1.Hi

2、s face turned red with fury(/fjri/愤怒), and his fists clenched (/klent/ 紧握着) tightly.2.She couldnt contain her rage any longer and screamed at the top of her lungs.伤心 (Sadness)1.He sat in the corner, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs of sadness.2.She felt a deep, aching sadness that seemed to en

3、velop her entire being.惊讶 (Surprise)1.Her eyes widened in surprise, and her mouth dropped open in disbelief.2.He gasped in surprise, unable to comprehend what had just happened.担忧 (Worry)1.She paced the room, her mind racing with endless worries.2.His brow furrowed(/fr./眉头紧锁)in concern as he conside

4、red all the possible outcomes.害怕 (Fear)1.She trembled with fear as the thunder roared outside.2.The fear gripped him, making it hard to breathe.失望 (Disappointment)1.He sighed deeply, the disappointment evident in his eyes.2.She shook her head, unable to hide her disappointment.绝望 (Despair)1.He fell

5、to his knees, overwhelmed by a sense of despair.2.She looked around, feeling trapped in her own despair.孤独 (Loneliness)1.He wandered the empty streets, feeling an overwhelming sense of loneliness.2.She sat by the window, staring out into the night, consumed by loneliness.内疚 (Guilt)1.He couldnt sleep

6、, haunted by the guilt of his actions.2.She avoided meeting his eyes, her guilt weighing heavily on her conscience.3.He felt a pang of guilt every time he thought about what he had done.惭愧 (Shame)1.He couldnt meet their eyes, his face burning with shame.2.His voice trembled as he admitted his mistake, consumed by shame.嘲笑 (Ridicule)1.They laughed cruelly, the sound of their ridicule ringing in her ears.

