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趣找知识 2024-07-27知识百科


1、高考英语高分佳句讲解练习(一)In recent centuries, a confluence of factors including widespread acceptance of germ theory, increased urban density, and the rise of corporate culture has brought greater awareness to and disdain for odor and other normal human characteristics.近几个世纪以来,一系列因素包括对细菌理论的广泛接受、城市人口密度的增加和企业文化

2、的兴起使人们对气味和其他正常人类特征的认识和蔑视都有所增强。【词汇讲解】confluence n.原指河流的汇合处、汇流处,此处指各种因素、事物的相结合,近义词组有a combination of/a mixture of/a series of/a range of。widespread acceptance of sth.广泛接受某物。按照汉语思维,我们一般会说accept sth. widely;但是英语是门静态语言,更倾向使用名词、介词等静态词来表达动作。如老人们广泛接受现代科技,就可以说:seniors widespread acceptance of modern technolo

3、gies.the rise of .的兴起,如AI的兴起 the rise of AI。disdain vt./n. 鄙视/蔑视 常和介词for连用,近义词如dislike/disgust等。【句式分析】主干:a confluence of factors has brought greater awareness to and disdain for odor and other normal human characteristics. a confluence of factors为主语,has brought greater awareness to and disdain for.为

4、谓语,后面部分则是宾语。枝干:including widespread acceptance of germ theory, increased urban density, and the rise of corporate cultureincluding为非谓语动词,此处相当于一个非限制性定语从句,可改为which include.【句式结构】在介绍因为多种因素使得人们对某事既产生更深认识,也产生厌恶之情,即有种又爱又恨的感觉,我们就可以使用这个句型,当然也可以只说某一方面(认识或厌恶):a confluence of factors, including A, B, and C, ha

5、s brought greater awareness to sth. and disdain for sth.【句式应用】比如抖音既有娱乐性、丰富人们生活,但也有许多虚假信息、让人不适的内容,因此我们可以这么介绍它。A confluence of factors, including its rich and entertaining contents, misleading information and discomforting videos, has brought greater awareness to the benefits of douyin and disdain for

6、 its poor supervision. 一系列因素,包括其丰富而有趣的内容,误导性信息及令人不适的视频,使得人们既看到抖音的好处,也增加对其监管不力的厌恶感。再如,这些年气候变化一直是个引人关注且需要高度重视的问题,在介绍人们对气候变化带来的危害的意识在增强,我们也可以利用这个结构:A confluence of factors, including rising sea levels, releasing nuclear wastewater and mass decimate of marine creatures, has brought greater awareness to the seriousness of climate change and disdain for humans inability to cope with this issue. 包括海平面上升、释放核废水和海洋生物大量死亡等多一系列因素,使人们更加认识到气候变化的

