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趣找知识 2024-08-08知识百科


1、高考英语写作高级句式一、Its a commonly known fact that .Its a commonly known fact that .众所周知,;是一个普遍被知道的事实【例句】1.Its a commonly known fact that regular exercise improves overall health.(众所周知,经常锻炼可以改善整体健康。)2.Its a commonly known fact that reading enhances vocabulary and comprehension skills.(众所周知,阅读可以增强词汇和理解能力。)3.

2、Its a commonly known fact that practicing math regularly boosts problem-solving abilities.(众所周知,定期练习数学可以提升解决问题的能力。)4.Its a commonly known fact that eating a balanced diet supports growth and development.(众所周知,均衡饮食有助于身体的生长和发育。)5.Its a commonly known fact that teamwork leads to successful outcomes in

3、group projects.(众所周知,团队合作可以在集体项目中取得成功的成果。)6.Its a commonly known fact that practicing good manners fosters positive relationships with others.(众所周知,行为举止得当有助于与他人建立积极的关系。)7.Its a commonly known fact that learning about different cultures promotes understanding and respect.(众所周知,了解不同的文化可以促进理解和尊重。)8.Its

4、 a commonly known fact that technology has revolutionized communication in the modern world.(众所周知,技术已经在现代世界彻底改变了交流方式。)9.Its a commonly known fact that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and improve focus.(众所周知,练习正念可以减轻压力并提高注意力。)10.Its a commonly known fact that respecting diversity creates a h

5、armonious community.(众所周知,尊重多样性可以创造和谐的社区。)11.Its a commonly known fact that curiosity drives scientific discovery and innovation.(众所周知,好奇心推动科学发现和创新。)12.Its a commonly known fact that music enhances mood and creativity.(众所周知,音乐可以提升情绪和创造力。)13.Its a commonly known fact that volunteering improves empath

6、y and compassion.(众所周知,志愿服务可以提高同情心和怜悯心。)14.Its a commonly known fact that setting goals helps individuals achieve success.(众所周知,设定目标有助于个人取得成功。)15.Its a commonly known fact that practicing good hygiene prevents the spread of illness.(众所周知,保持良好的卫生习惯可以预防疾病传播。)二、I am convinced that .I am convinced that .我相信;我坚信【例句】1.I am convinced that regular reading improves my English skills significantly.

