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趣找知识 2024-08-09知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写高分佳句(一)1.他把车开进了森林深处,下了车,四处张望了一下,摇了摇头,又回到车上继续往前走。He drove them into the middle of a forest, got out, looked around, shook his head, got back in the car and off they went again.2.雨下起来了。大雨滴敲打着车顶。露西在抽泣。It started to rain. Great drops beat on the roof of the car. Lucy snivelled.3.威廉指着远处海面上的一块大岩石。

2、那上面孤零零地立着一间破旧的小木屋,看上去十分凄凉。William was pointing at what looked like a large rock way out to sea. Perched on top of the rock was the most miserable little shack you could imagine.4.Zack高兴地说:今晚预计有风暴!这位先生好心地同意借船给我们。Storm forecast for tonight! said Zack gleefully, clapping his hands together. And this ge

3、ntlemans kindly agreed to lend us his boat!5.一位没牙的老头儿慢吞吞地向他们走来,脸上带着恶作剧般的笑容,用手指着铁灰色水面A toothless old man came ambling up to them, pointing, with a rather wicked grin, at an old rowing boat bobbing in the iron-grey water below them.(二)1.夜幕降临时,Harry还在嚎叫。他这辈子从来没有过过这么糟糕的一天。他太饿了,头脑都麻木了。By nightfall Harry

4、was howling. Hed never had such a bad day in his life. He was so hungry that his mind was numb.2.他们终于在一个大城市郊区一家阴森的旅馆外停了下来。他们同住一个房间,里面有一张双人床和潮湿发霉的床单。They stopped at last outside a gloomy-looking hotel on the outskirts of a big city. They shared a room with twin beds and damp, musty sheets.3.Henry打着鼾,

5、但Edward仍睡不着,他坐在窗台上,盯着过路汽车的灯光,在遐想着。Henry snored but Edward stayed awake, sitting on the window-sill, staring down at the lights of passing cars and wondering 4.Fred伸手去抓他的钱包,但Jeff迅速将他的手击开来。Fred made a grab for the letter but Jeff swiftly knocked his hand out of the way.5.“我去拿,”Jean说着,迅速站起来,跟着她走出了餐室。Il

6、l take them, said jean, standing up quickly and following her from the dining-room.(三)1.他胡子少了一半,看上去很危险,没人敢争论。He looked so dangerous with half his moustache missingthat no one dared argue.2.十分钟后,他们穿过用木板封起来的门,坐上车,飞快地向高速公路驶去。Ten minutes later they had wrenched their way through the boarded-up doors and were in the car, speeding towards the motorway.3.安德鲁在后座上抽着鼻子;他只想把电视、录像带和电脑装进运动包里,为此他受到他爸爸的责备,因为他耽误了他们。Andrew was sniffling in the

