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趣找知识 2024-08-12知识百科


1、高考英语写作高级句式一、Another thing thats important to remember is that .Another thing thats important/significant/necessary to remember is that . 另一件重要的事情要记住的是 / 另一件需要记住的事情是【例句】1.Another thing thats important to remember is that practicing regularly improves your skills in any subject.(另一件重要的事情要记住的是,定期练习可以提高

2、你在任何学科的技能。)2.Another thing thats significant to remember is that being honest builds trust with your friends and teachers.(另一件值得记住的重要事情是,诚实可以建立你与朋友和老师之间的信任。)3.Another thing thats necessary to remember is that good time management helps balance schoolwork and hobbies.(另一件需要记住的重要事情是,良好的时间管理有助于平衡学业和爱好。

3、)4.Another thing thats important to remember is that listening actively improves communication with others.(另一件重要的事情要记住的是,积极倾听可以改善与他人的沟通。)5.Another thing thats significant to remember is that showing kindness to others creates a positive atmosphere in school.(另一件值得记住的重要事情是,对他人友善可以在学校营造积极的氛围。)6.Anoth

4、er thing thats necessary to remember is that setting goals helps you stay motivated and focused on your studies.(另一件需要记住的重要事情是,设定目标可以帮助你保持学习的动力和专注。)7.Another thing thats important to remember is that exploring different cultures broadens your understanding of the world.(另一件重要的事情要记住的是,探索不同的文化可以拓展你对世界

5、的理解。)8.Another thing thats significant to remember is that teamwork allows you to achieve more than what you can do alone.(另一件值得记住的重要事情是,团队合作可以让你做到比独自一人更多的事情。)9.Another thing thats necessary to remember is that respecting differences among classmates fosters a harmonious school environment.(另一件需要记住的

6、重要事情是,尊重同学们的差异可以培养和谐的校园环境。)10.Another thing thats important to remember is that practicing problem-solving skills prepares you for challenges in life.(另一件重要的事情要记住的是,练习解决问题的能力可以为生活中的挑战做好准备。)11.Another thing thats significant to remember is that staying organized helps reduce stress and manage time effectively.(另一件值得记住的重要事情是,保持组织有助于减少压力并有效管理时间。)12.Another thing thats necessary to remember is that learning from mistakes is es

