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趣找知识 2024-08-19知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写情感公式一、情感名词+was written all over ones face.01: Joy was written all over the childrens faces when they saw the clown.当孩子们看到小丑时,他们脸上满是喜悦的表情。02: Worry was written all over her face as she waited for the exam results. 当她等待考试成绩时,她的脸上满是忧虑。03: Amazement was written all over his face when he saw the

2、magic trick.当他看到魔术表演时,他的脸上满是惊讶。二、 Ones face+特定动词(短语)+with+情感名词常见动词有:lit up(点亮)/beamed(喜笑颜开)/burn(燃烧)/flush(脸红)/pale(苍白)/darken(黑暗)等01:His face beamed with pride when he received the award. 当他获得奖项时,他的脸上洋溢着自豪。02: Her face glowed with happiness as she shared the good news. 当她分享好消息时,她的脸上散发着幸福的光芒。03:The

3、childs face lit up with excitement when he saw the presents.当孩子看到礼物时,他的脸上充满了兴奋之情。三、Sb. did ., eyes filled with+情感名词01: She walked into the room, her eyes filled with curiosity. 她走进房间,眼里满是好奇。02:He stared at the painting, his eyes filled with admiration.他凝视着画作,眼里满是钦佩。03: She looked at her mother, her

4、eyes filled with love. 她看着她的母亲,眼里满是爱意。四、Sb. noticed+the+情感名词+in ones eyes01:He noticed the sadness in her eyes when she spoke about her past. 当她谈论她的过去时,他注意到了她眼中的悲伤。02: I noticed the fear in his eyes as he approached the edge of the cliff.当他接近悬崖边时,我注意到了他眼中的恐惧。03: She noticed the determination in his

5、eyes when he made the decision. 当他做出决定时,她注意到了他眼中的坚定。五、情感名词+特定动词 (短语)+sb. +like .01: The news of the promotion overwhelmed her like a tidal wave of happiness.晋升的消息像一股幸福的潮水般淹没了她。02:The loss of the game weighed on him like a heavy burden. 比赛的失利像沉重的负担一样压在他身上。03:The beauty of the sunset struck her like a

6、 sudden revelation. 日落的美景像突然的启示打动了她。六、The sight/thought of . +特定动词+sb.+情感名词或形容词01:The sight of the abandoned house filled her with a sense of dread. 废弃房子的景象让她感到恐惧。02:The thought of the upcoming interview made him feel anxious.想到即将到来的面试让他感到焦虑。03: The sight of his old friends brought back countless beautiful memories, making him sweet.看到他的老朋友们勾起了无数美好的回忆,他感到十分甜蜜。七、An expression of+情感名词+flashed

