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趣找知识 2024-08-23知识百科


1、高中英语必修一Unit2逐词释义1.strengthen /stren/ 中文(使)强健 英文释义To make something stronger or more powerful.2.immune /mjun/ 中文免疫的;有免疫力的 英文释义Protected from a disease or infection by a specific immune response.3.system /sstm/ 中文系统 英文释义A set of connected things or parts working together as a whole.4.immune system中文免疫

2、系统 英文释义The complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.5.cheer up中文(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 英文释义To make someone feel happier or more optimistic.6.weekly /wkl/ 中文一周一次的,每周的 英文释义Happening or done every week.7.be fed up with中文厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的 英文释义To be annoyed or unhappy because o

3、f something that has been happening for a long time.8.awkward /kwd/ 中文令人尴尬的 英文释义Causing or feeling embarrassment or discomfort.9.particular /ptkjl/ 中文尤其,特别;特定的 英文释义Specific or distinctive; used to single out one item or detail.10.relieve /rliv/ 中文减轻,缓解 英文释义To reduce or remove the pain or unpleasantn

4、ess of something.11.benefit /benft/ 中文好处,益处 英文释义An advantage or profit gained from something.12.membership /membp/ 中文会员身份 英文释义The state of being a member of a group or organization.13.equipment /kwpmnt/ 中文设备,装备 英文释义The necessary items for a particular purpose or activity.14.capable /kepbl/ 中文能干的;能力强

5、的 英文释义Having the ability or qualities necessary to do something.15.be capable of中文有能力做 英文释义Having the capacity or ability to do something.16.prevent /prvent/ 中文预防;阻止,阻挡 英文释义To stop something from happening or to keep something from occurring.17.disease /dziz/ 中文疾病 英文释义A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant.18.upper /p/ 中文较上的,上面的 英文释义Located or situated higher up.19.flow /fl/ 中文流,流动;流动 英文释义To move or run smoothly and continuously in one direction.20.oxygen /ksdn/ 中文氧 英文释义A chemical element essential for respirat

