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趣找知识 2024-08-23知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写心理描写高分句子一、激动1.My heart was fluttering with anxiety as well as excitement.我的心既兴奋又不安,怦怦直跳。2.My heart was in my mouth/ I felt a surge of excitement when I found my missing dog.当我找到丢失的小狗时,激动不已。3.Unable to contain his joy and excitement,he hurried to go home to tell his parents.不能抑制住他的高兴和激动,他匆忙赶回

2、家告诉他的父母。4.When the host announced that she had won the prize,a wild excitement took hold of her.当主持人宣布她获奖时,她无比兴奋。5.When he was told to go abroad next week, his eyes glittering / twinkling with excitement. 当他被告知下星期去国外时,他的眼中闪烁着兴奋的光芒。6.Thrilled and enraptured, Jane quickened pace and sprinted to the he

3、licopter, knowing that she would be rescued eventually.Jane欣喜若狂,加快了步伐冲向直升机,知道自己终于要获救了。7.Tears of excitement welled up in her eyes as she accepted the flowers.当她接过鲜花时,激动的泪水充满了她的眼睛。8.Her heart was beating like a freed birdswhen she heard the good news.当她听到这个好消息,她的心像获得自由的小鸟一样跳动着。9.With the encouragemen

4、t of his father, he felt a flutter of excitement.在父亲的鼓励下,他感到一阵兴奋。10.An excited feeling bubbled up when she opened the box.当她打开盒子时,一种兴奋的感觉涌上心头。二、感谢1.Words were too pale to describe my gratitude to him.对他的感激之情无以言表。2.His timely help touched the tenderness of my deepest heart.他及时的帮助触动了我内心深处的温柔。3.Tears s

5、parkling in his eyes, he gave me a gentle nod and cast a grateful smile in my direction.眼里闪烁着泪花,他朝我轻轻点了下头并露出一个感激的微笑。4.Tears filling her eyes, she offered her heartfelt gratitude.她热泪盈眶地表示衷心的感谢。5.Overwhelmed with heartfelt gratitude, I couldnt utter a word. 我心怀感激, 说不出一句话。6.A sense of gratitude can ack

6、nowledge our interdependent existence.感恩之心可以承认我们相互依赖的存在。7.His timely help is just like a dawn in my life, illuminating my whole world.他及时的帮助就像我生命中的曙光,照亮了我整个世界。8.There seems to be a warm current flowing through my body.似乎有一股暖流涌入我的身体里。9.Now, the experience is still fresh in my mind and keeps me touched all the time.现在,那次经历仍然让我记忆犹新,感动不已。10.With tears of gratitude hanging in his eyes, he thanked the passer-by with

