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趣找知识 2024-08-31知识百科


1、高中英语必修一Unit4逐词释义1.forever中文意思永远英语释义For all time; always.2.familiar中文意思熟悉的英语释义Well known from long or close association.3.adventure中文意思历险(经历),奇遇英语释义An unusual and exciting or daring experience.4.prefer中文意思更喜欢英语释义To like or choose one thing rather than another.5.deliver中文意思递送,传送英语释义To take goods, lett

2、ers, etc.to a particular place or person.6.advance中文意思进步,进展英语释义Progress or development towards a better state.7.significantly中文意思重大地,显著地英语释义In an important or noticeable way.8.maintain中文意思保持,维持英语释义To keep in a particular state or condition.9.click中文意思点击(鼠标)英语释义To press and release a button on a comp

3、uter mouse.10.digital中文意思数字的,数码的英语释义Relating to or using numbers or digits, especially in computing.11.enable中文意思使可能,使发生英语释义To make it possible for something to happen or be done.12.unusual中文意思异常的,不平常的英语释义Not common or ordinary; different from what is expected.13.site中文意思网站英语释义A place on the Interne

4、t where information is available.14.tend中文意思易于做某事,往往会发生某事英语释义To be likely to do something or to happen in a particular way.15.update中文意思最新消息英语释义The latest information about something.16.saying中文意思格言,谚语,警句英语释义A well-known phrase or statement that expresses an idea or a piece of advice.17.criminal中文意思

5、罪犯英语释义A person who has committed a crime.18.bathwater中文意思浴水,洗澡水英语释义Water used for taking a bath.19.acquire中文意思获得,得到英语释义To obtain or get something.20.goods中文意思商品英语释义Things that are produced to be sold.21.prove中文意思证明,证实英语释义To show by evidence or argument that something is true.22.illustrate中文意思(举例)说明,阐明英语释义To make something clear by giving examples or pictures.23.diagram中文意思图解,示意图英语释义A drawing that explains or shows something by using lines and symbols.24.inspiring中文意思鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的英语释义Having the power to make people feel excited and full of hope.25.teena

