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趣找知识 2024-10-20知识百科


1、英语写作高级词块一、owing to .owing to . 由于owing to : 这个短语表示“由于”某个原因,常用来引出导致某种结果的原因。【例句】1.Owing to my hard work, I was able to get good grades on my exams. 由于我的努力,我能够在考试中获得好成绩。2.We canceled our picnic owing to the bad weather that was forecasted. 由于天气预报显示天气不好,我们取消了野餐。3.Owing to the interesting topic, many stu

2、dents participated in the debate. 由于话题有趣,许多学生参与了辩论。4.My improved math skills result from extra practice owing to my teachers encouragement. 我数学技能的提高是由于老师的鼓励让我多加练习。5.Owing to the delicious food, the restaurant became very popular in our town. 由于美味的食物,这家餐厅在我们镇上变得非常受欢迎。6.Owing to cultural differences,

3、we learned new things about each others traditions. 由于文化差异,我们了解到彼此传统中的新事物。7.Owing to my sisters support, I felt more confident during my school presentation. 由于我姐姐的支持,我在学校演讲时感到更自信。8.The festival was a success owing to the hard work of all the volunteers. 由于所有志愿者的努力,节日取得了成功。9.Owing to the teamwork we

4、 showed, our project received high praise from the teachers. 由于我们展现出的团队合作精神,我们的项目得到了老师的高度赞扬。10.Owing to the online classes, I was able to study from home during the pandemic. 由于线上课程,我在疫情期间能够在家学习。11.Owing to my curiosity, I started learning about different cultures, especially Chinese culture. 由于我的好奇

5、心,我开始学习不同的文化,尤其是中国文化。12.Owing to the inspiring speaker, many students became interested in environmental protection. 由于鼓舞人心的演讲者,许多学生对环境保护产生了兴趣。13.Owing to the friendship we built, I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with my classmates. 由于我们建立的友谊,我感到可以轻松地和同学分享我的想法。14.Owing to the exciting activiti

6、es planned for the field trip, everyone was looking forward to it. 由于为校外活动计划的激动人心的活动,每个人都在期待它。15.Owing to my parents encouragement, I decided to join the school choir and improve my singing skills. 由于我父母的鼓励,我决定加入学校合唱团并提高我的唱歌技巧。16.“Owing to the rain, the game was canceled.”(由于下雨,比赛被取消了。)二、as a consequence of .as a consequence of . 由于;由于 的结果 as a consequence of : 这个短语表示某种结果或后果,是由特定原因引起的。它通常用来描述因果关系。【

