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admin 2022-05-13知识百科



16~20ACCBB11. Many stories have been written about the exploration of the __.D______.A folklore B equipment C foundation D universe.

A. folklore

B. equipment

C. foundation

D. universe

100分:5 分

12. Prof. Wilson, ._A__ will visit our university next week.

A. a famous American linguist

B. being a famous American linguist

C. as famous American linguist

D. being famous American linguist

100分:5 分

13. Her fear of making mistakes has caused her great difficulty in _B__. with others in English.

A. organizing

B. communicating

C. retreating

D. researching

100分:5 分

14. The old lady picked up the torn newspaper and _____A______it out

A. smoothed

B. pulled

C. turned

D. put

满分:5 分

15. People wouldn’t think a group leader _C__. if he cared more about himself than others.

A. Average

B. curious

C. responsible

D. productive

100分:5 分

16. It ._B__ over two years since the old gentleman first came to sample the puddings.

A. has been

B. was

C. will be

D. would be

100分:5 分

17. _____C____ Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters.

A. At

B. In

C. On

D. For

满分:5 分

18. ____C_____ there is no one at home. The lights are out.

A. Eventually

B. Eagerly

C. Evidently

D. Sincerely

100分:5 分

19. I don’t think she knows how to dress herself properly. B____ is not to my taste.

A. That she wears

B. What she wears

C. She wears that

D. She wears something

满分:5 分

20. Washing machines and microwave ovens __.B____ the work of housewives.

A. relax

B. freed

C. relieve

D. liberate

11~15 D A B A C

16~20 A C C B B



一、从A、B、C、D 中找到其划线一部分与别的英语单词划线一部分读音不一样的选择项。

〔 〕1. A. where B. care C. air D. were

〔 〕2. A. shout B. about C. south D. group

〔 〕3. A. party B. young C. yes D. year

〔 〕4. A. whose B. why C. when D. where

〔 〕5. A. post B. watch C. stop D. hospital

〔 〕6. A. shall B. wash C. machine D. school

〔 〕7. A. cup B. bus C. student D. but

〔 〕8. A. girl B. bag C. orange D. great



1. think ___________ ___________ ____________

2. wash ___________ ___________ ____________

3. buy ___________ ____________ ____________

4. get ____________ ____________ ____________

5. do ___________ _____________ ____________

6. teach ___________ ____________ ___________


1. many ____________________________________

2. hungry ___________________________________

3. bad ______________________________________

4. cheap ____________________________________


〔 〕1. Did you finish _______ that letter last night?

A. writing B. writeing

C. write D. to wirte

〔 〕2. She is strict _______ her work.

A. on B. to help

C. in D. by

〔 〕3. Let us _______ the farmers with their work.

A. help B. to help

C. helping D. helps

〔 〕4. Mr. Wang asked the children _______ and listen to him.

A. to stop playing games

B. to stop to play games

C. stopping playing games

D. stop playing games

〔 〕5. The third month of the year is _______.

A. February B. March

C. April D. September

〔 〕6. How does your father _______ to work?

A. goes B. went

C. is D. go

〔 〕7. Is your sister free tomorrow?

No, she is going _______ a football game.

A. to look at B. to see

C. to watch D. to have a look at

〔 〕8. Where _______ you last Sunday morning?

A. are B. was

C. were D. did

〔 〕9. _______ does he go to see his mother?

A. How much B. How often

C. How many D. How long

〔 〕10. A: May I use your chair?

B: Certainly, _______.

A. Here it is B. Here they are

C. Give you D. Here you are

〔 〕11. A: Must we clean the classroom now?

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