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趣找知识 2023-09-27知识百科
大联考雅礼中学2024届高三月考试卷(一)英语命题人、审题人:高三英语备课组得分:本试题卷分为听力、阅读、语言运用和写作四个部分,共10页。时量120分钟。满分150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时、先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍,例:How much is the shirt?A£19.15B.£9.18.C9.15.答案是C。1.When did the match actually start?A.At 6:45 pm.B.At 7:15 pm.C.At 7:30 pm.2.What does the man mean?A.He prefers study to a picnic.B.He dislikes autumn.C.He is rather busy.3.Where does,the conversation probably take place?A.In a shopping mall.B.In a supermarket.C.In the street.4.What do the speakers think of the performance?A.Moving.B Disappointing.C.Interesting.5.Which shoes are the most expensive?A.The red ones.B.The white ones.C.The blue ones.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话威独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What does the woman want to do?A.Rent a vehicleB.Collect a vehicle.C.Purchase a vehicle.电施霉要使用者服顾硫还原地杆菌,并给它摄供食物,而生物膜并没有这些要求,由此可以推断出生物膜降低了使用过程中的花费,故C项正确,D。推理判断题。本题问的是“生物膜通过什么方式给小设备提供动力”,根据最后一段中的“Since the surface ofour skin is constantly moist with sweat,.enough ener8 y to power small equipment..”可知,由于我们的皮肤表面总是会因汗液而湿润,这种生翻藤可以利用它,并将存储在燕发过程中的能量转化成电能,为小设备提供动力。D项“通过把汗液转化为持续的电能”正确。C。推理判断题。阅读全文,根据第一段中的、This biofilm.powering everything from personal medical sensors toersonal electronics.、和最后-段中的、Our next step.,electronics7、power entire electronic systemis.equipment'可知,这种生物膜有非常广佩的应用前景。导读】本文是一篱说明文。你其实可以成为一个比你自己就为的更好的人,文章介绍了一些想法让你比想象中己更好。E,根据上文提示“Maybe you haven't achieved goals in a self-.appointed time frame,(也许你设有在自己设定的时间框操内实现目标,)”,再根据下文提示“But this doesn't mean you are a bad person or a failure.(但这并不意味着除是一个杯人或失败者,)、可知,每个人都有不完美的一面,都会犯错。承接上下文,E项“Maybe yo则avem2demany mistakes蓝wcl.(也许你也犯了很多错误。)、切题。故选E.G。根据上文提示“Being polite and kind is the mark of a good person,When you do this,you are treating othersike you would want to be treated..(礼貌和良是一个好人的标志,当你这样做的时侯,你是在以你希望被对待的方式对待别人.)、再根据下文提示“Even the smallest things do not go unnoticed and are traits that you have a goodeat.(即使是最小的率特也不会被忽视,这是你有一颗善良的心的特征,)、可蜘,小率也能展现你的礼貌和善良。f接上下文,G项4 This may include opening doors for others or picking up change for people in front of you at theheckout式e'(这可能包括为别人开门,或者在结账时为排在你前面的人拿军钱,)”切题。故选G,3。根据止文提示“When.you're actually better than you think,ou will h2 ve the habit of looking on the brightide of ever叮situation and'seeing the best in everyone.(当你真的比想象中的自已更好时,你就会养成习惯,馨于看到每件事积极的一面,善于看到每个人最好的一面,)”可知,我们要有乐观精神。承接上文,B项“t。st0过howing optimism.(这一切都是晨现出乐观,”切题。故选BD,该空是小标题,根据下文提示“Being wise is not about being intelligent,It's about learnmg from-lifexperiences.Why does this make youa better person than you think?Wisdom can be passed to others to help themvoid the same mistakes you made.You are a good person if you've collected wisdom and love to share lessonsith other6.(智慧并不荒味着靶明。它是关于从生活经历中学习,为什么这会让你成为一个比你想象中更好的人?智慧可以传递给他人,帮助他们避免你犯过的同样的错误。如果你积累了智款并喜欢与他人分享经验数调,你就是一个好人,)”可知,该段讲述的是要与人分享智慧。由此可知,D项You are wis,and yo0 share yourvisdom.(你很露明,你分享你的智慧,)”切题。故选D根锯上文提示“Appreciate who you are.If there are things you need to change,that's okay.(欣赏你自己.如果你有带要改变的地方,没关系,)”可知,你也会犯错误,也不完美。唐接上文,C项“We all have problems andmperfections.(我们都有问题和不完美之处,)”切题。故选C。导读】作者带着手下团队去餐馆用餐的时候磁到了一不赛道的服务员。固为本来答应要帮她的人没来,她只能自所有的工作。作者对地表示理解并且对地很友基。作者的善良和小贵让这个服务员很感激,,“我”最近向“我”的团队承诺,如果他们能翅额完感目标,公司将请(tat)他们在一个我们都喜欢的意大利餐馆吃饭,根据“to a very good Italian restaufant that we all love、和下文可知此处填treat,B。他们超过目标很多,因此“我”馀我们l6个人在餐馆预订(reservation)了位置。根据下文“when I made theeservation”可知此处用reservation..坐下后不久,服务员章走了我们的订单(order)然后,那个服务员告诉我们她感到很抱歉,因为本来说要帮她的人设有出现(show up)。根据下文“onhrwn、可知应选C项。show up“露面”。所以她要独自应对(handle我们的案会和其他的顾客。当“我”告诉她“我”会一次性付钱而不是分好几个账单的时候,她明显的松了口气(relieved),根据上文可知只她一个人,故此处填relievedA。我们忙着玩和聘天,因此没人介意(mid)。根据本句和下文可知作者一行人并设有介意C。到了结张(payment)的时候,就像之前“我”预订的时候解释给“我”的一样,要加(add)l8%的小费。D。见上题解析。A。她带着收据回来并且感测了我们,然后因为服务有点慢向我们道歉(apologize),根据下文“their service was alittle slow”可知此处是道歉。B。她对我们如此友好以及有耐心(p阳tcnt),以至于“我”在小票纸夹留了额外的50美元小费。根据上文可知只有她一个服务负:故此处填patient,D。~“我”在想我“是否忘了签收据(receipt)还是什么的时候,“我”注意到她最睛里有服泪(ears),C.句意上感。根据下文、She hadhad a55 time lately and the tip really warmed her heart.、可知她哭了,D。始谢谢我、的小费,并说她没有想到(expect)。A。她最近过得很艰难(tough),这个小费真能祖蹑她的花。根据下文“the tip really warmed her heart”可应选项。ypically。考查词性转换。此处修饰动询falling,故答案为typically。0如。考查介词搭配。2月21日是戡历新年,具体月期前介词应填0m。arrival。考查词性转换,在新年到来之前,此空缺核心名词,故答案为rrival,to seek。考查非谓语动词。句蕉:他们还供奉神灵和祖先,为来年析福。应填不定式表自的,故答案为to seek,is styled。考查被动语态。他们的发型被设计得很时尚,故答案为is styled.steamed.。考查非谓语动间。此处为非谓语动词作定语,steam和dumpling之间是动宾关系,故答案为steamed,ad。考查并列连词。句意:(宴席上)有传统的菜肴,如momos(一种有肉或球菜馅的蒸饺)和藏式酥油袖茶(由牦牛油和茶时衙饿):敬答索为and。an。等查固定短语,come-to an end“结束”。hle/wen。考查连词。句意:人们聚集在公共场所,点然香和蜡烛,同时向神灵祭献食物、饮料和其他物品。.敏答案为Wh时劳,embracing。考查非谓语动词。此处embrace和let并列作介词of的宾语,故答案为embracing.西部分节考范文】r Miss Brown,I'm writing to tell you something about the recording pen I bought on your website last week.There seems to beething wrong with it.Firstly,the voice isn't so clear as you claimed.Besides,it's not easy to operate,whichsed me much trouble.Worse still,it often breaks down.A recording pen at such a price shouldn't have so manyblems.I wonder whetheryou can do something about it for its poor quality and much inconvenience it has caused.Ild appceoiate it if I can get my money back and I'll send it back to yowas soon as you return the money.If a fulland is impossible,I wish you could have it repaired or changed.I'm looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua节考范文】The week before school started,Mrs.Cane held another training course.Darla and Patty signed up immediately.class,Mrs.Cane asked tho teenagers to play in turn.Darla came first,impressing others with her excellentormance.Mrs.Cane was pleased with Darla's progress.、Well,I can tell who's been practicing!、she smiled.n it was Patty's turn.Everyone looked at the 、talent、expectantly.Yet,Patty had not practiced and was far behindrest,which was a shock for all.Patty was upset and absent until the class was over.Patty couldn't stop thinking of her poor performance on the way home.She realized she needed change if she stillted to continue with tennis.The next day,Patty came to Darla's team when they practiced to ask whether sheherself and worked hard at practice.She finally found that 、natural talent、got her nowhere without diligence and shewas able to join in the fun.That was one of the best lessons of her life.【写作指导】1.文章大意:暑假期间,Patty和她的朋友Darla一起加人了Ms.Cane的网球培训棵,起初,Paty进步很快,被教练称赞具有天赋,Darla和课上其他同学却学得艰难,所以Darla一直勋加练习,Patty却认为自己天赋异裹,因而流于练习。在开学前一周,Mrs,Cane又开展了一次网球培训课,然而这次Patty却表现得不好。2.写作思路:续写第一段的开头语是“开学前一周,Ms.Cae又开了一次培训课”,故本段应围绕培训课上发生的事情展开,再结合短文内容和续写第二段的开头语“在回家的路上Patty忍不住想她糟糕的表现”可知,Paty和Dara应该是再次参加了培训课,所续写第一段可描述两人在课上的表现。根据短文最后一段对Drla勤奋练习的描述可推测,Dla应会取得进步,而Paty表现不佳。根据续写第二段的开头语可知,本段应介绍Paty表现不佳后发生的事,如在经过一番思考后Paty意识到自己落后的原因以及锄奋练习的重要性、Patty主动找Darla训练或者希望加人Daa所在的网球队等。听力材料Text 1M.What time did yesterday's football match start?W:It was supposed to start at a quarter to 7 pm,but it was delayed for half an hour because of the sudden rain.Text 2W:This autumn the weather is perfeet for going out for a picnic.M,Unfortunately,the only time I get to enjoy is when I am walking to class or to the library.Text 3W:My niece lost her-toy-duck in the park a week ago.I hope to find a similar one here.M:Probably this is not the best place.Prices in malls are usually higher than anywhere else.You can try Tracy's.W:Do you meanhe fage supermarket in the backstreet?Text 4W:The piano sounds terrible.M:I wish I could ask for my money back.Text 5W:Look!How expensive the white shoes are!M:I think you might be mistaken.W:Why?M:Because the price tag is for the red shoes above.Text 6W:Hello.I have a reservation for a rental truck and I'm here to pick it up.M:Certainly.Thanks for choosing Canton Rentals.Before you can take the vehicle,you'll have to give me yourconfirmation number.W:OK.Hmm.I'm afraid I didn't bring it with me.M:That's not a problem.I'll look it up in our database right now..First,could you tell me your last name?Text 7M:I can't believe it can be so hot.W:It's not even noon yet.That means it will get hotterM:Can you turn on the air conditioner?W:It's not working.M:Why?I had it repaired just yesterdayW:The electricity has been cut off because of the strong wind all night.And the electric fans aren't working.Theelectrician is repairing the system now.M.That's terrible!Maybe we can buy some ice to lower the temperature.

