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趣找知识 2023-10-09知识百科
A.The Sydney Opera House.
B.The Syd
浙江强基联盟2023学年第一学期高三年级10月联考英语试题 A.The Sydney Opera House. B.The Sydney Harbour Bridge.C.The Great Barrier Reef. 9.How was the weather in Australia most of the time when Julie was there? 命题人:浙江工业大学附属德清高级中学胡少华审题人:萧山三中李卓霖 A.Hot. B.Wet C.Cool. 考生须知: 听第8段材料,回答第10至13题。 1.本试您卷分选择趣和非选择趣两部分,考试时间120分钟, 10.Where does the conversation take place? 2.答愿前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号。 A.In a cafe. B.At Paul's house. C.At Betty's house. 3.所有答案必须写在答趣卷上,写在试卷上无效。 11.What will Paul do this weekend? 4.考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。 A.Go to a party. B.Go to the beach. C.Pay a visit to his friends. 选择题部分 12.What gift does Paul suggest Betty bring? A.Flowers B.A bottle of wine. 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) C.A cake 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 13.What can we learn from the conversation? 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 A.Joe prefer flowers to anything else. 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 B.Paul didn't accept Joe's invitation. 读一避。 C.Betty can't go to the party. 1.What will Mary do on October Ist? 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 A.Attend a wedding B.Go on a business trip C.Visit her family. 14.Who is probably the man? 2.What does the woman hope the man can do for her? A.A designer. B.A jeweler. C.A host. A.Meet a client. B.Translate a document. C.Prepare meeting 15.Where are the speakers? materials. A.In Montreal. B.In Nova Scotia. C.In Tokyo. 3.When would the man like to go shopping? 16.What major did Shirly take in her freshman year? A.On Saturday. B.On Sunday. C.On Monday. A.Art. B.English. C.Jewelry Design 4.Why does the man talk to the woman? 17.What does Shirly talk about at the end of the conversation? A.To quit his job. B.To ask for leave. C.To ask about a position. A.Her jewelry designs. 5.What are the speakers mainly discussing? B.Her sources of inspiration A.An accident. B.An impressive person. C.A car advertisement. 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) C.Her future plans. 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 听第10段材料,回答第18至20愿. 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后, 18.Where is Reader's Digest now based? 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两递。 A.In midtown Manhattan. B.In New York. C.In Washington. 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 19.How many readers does Global editions of Reader's Digest attract? 6.What does the man want to do? A.21 million. B.40 million. C.49 million. A.Make a reservation. B.Confirm a reservation. C.Change a reservation. 20.What was the slogan of American edition Reader's Digest in 2008? 7.How many people will go to dinner on Sunday? A.、Life Well Shared.、 A.6. B.10. C.12 B.、America In Your Pocket.、 即“做最坏打算“的心理学概念,探讨了相关的理论和研究,并认为持有积极的期望可能比预期 靠边停车:pull on,猛吸、猛抽(香烟等)。 最坏情况更加有益。 47.A.Houston jumped out of her car with her pepper spray and also grabbed a 32.A推理判断题。第二段讨论了“决策影响理论”,并解释了它如何支持准备最坏的想法。它 stick可知,Houston了解情况后,拿起胡椒喷雾剂,毫不犹豫地跳下了车。 解释了人们为什么会在事件超出他们的低期望时感到更快乐,而在事件落后于期望时感到失望 48.C.两位女士匆忙返回事发地。 的内在逻辑。故选A。 49.D.根据where the struggle was going on可知,两位女士匆忙返回事发地,搏斗仍在进 33.C词义猜测题。根据文章上下文,可推断出此处表示意思的转折,即其他心理学理论“颠 行,山狮仍然顽抗着不放开那只狗。 覆”反对门这种看法,故选C。 50.B.根据bit onto the bodyguard's head可知,她俩开始大声喊叫着击打美洲狮,直到它 34.D细节理解题。文章第四段解释了负面期望如何引起不良效应,一是对事件的准备会减 最终放开流若血的Eva。 少(比如对你预期会失败的测试不去学习)和对客观情况的主观误解(比如在工作面试中将面 51.D.根据released和Eva was severely injured可知,Eva终于逃离险境。 无表情解读为负面内容),故选D。 52.D.,根据pepper sprayed the mountain lion in the face可知,Houston朝着美洲狮的脸 35.C观点态度题。文章最后一段指出“作最坏的打算“可能绝不是一个明智的选择,面对最 喷射胡椒喷雾剂,美洲狮很快掉头逃走。 坏的情况我们应当抱有积极的期待,所以作者对作最坏的打算的态度应该是反对的,故选C。 53.C.根据Eva was gravely injured可知,Wilson开车紧急把Eva送到兽医处。 第二节 54.A After spending several days there Now Eva,lying on her own bed...is on 本文是一篇说明文,主要讨论了好奇心的好处以及提高好奇心的方法和策略 the road to可知,在治疗了几天之后,Eva出院了,故选released。 36.B.这个选项承前启后,文章后两段主要讲好奇心的好处。它也和前一句形成了对比,前一 55.B.根据lying on her own bed with her favorite toys可知,Eva如今正在康复中。 句提到了好奇心是人类的本性和娱乐的来源。 第二节 37,G,这个选项支持了前一句,说明了好奇心可以在课堂上帮助你。它也解释了好奇心如何让 本文介绍了传统中医药 学习更有趣和投入,这是好奇心的一个实际好处。 56.have spread/have been spreading.,本题考查时态,根据for over two millennia,用现 38.D.选项回答了段首中读者可能有的一个疑问,即如果他们不是已经很好奇的话,该怎么办。 在完成时(现在完成进行时)。 它也引出了接下来的几段,提供了一些提高好奇心的方法和策略。 57.whose,本题考查定语从句,BRl的目标是.。 39.E.这个选项扩展了前一句,建议从多种来源收集信息。它也警告了依赖同一来源信息的潜 58.t0,本题考查介词,将带到了.。 在偏见或局限性,这可能会阻碍好奇心和学习。和下句instead对应。 59.a,本题考查冠词,a ray of hope,一丝希望。 40.A段首句,概括了本段的大意。给出了一个简单而有效的发展好奇心的方式。它也和文章 60.retired,考查过去分词作定语,一位八十岁高龄的退休教师。 的开头呼应,提到了孩子们想要得到很多问题的答案。提问题也是贯穿全文的一个主题,因为 61.occurred,考查时态,当奇迹发生时。 它显示了对知识的真正渴望和对不同观点的开放。 第三部分语言运用 62.being given,.考查分词的被动形式。 63.significantly,副词修饰improved. 第一节 64.issues,,本题考查名词复数。 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了Wlso和爱犬在山林中与美洲师殊死搏斗的故事。 65.easing,现在分词作结果状语。 41.D.根据attacked Wilson和injuring her left shoulder可知,一头美洲狮靠近Wilson,井 攻击了她。 听力原文 42.B.Wilson大声尖叫,引起了Eva的注意。 43.C,根据The mountain lion...bit onto the bodyguard's head可知,走在Wilson前面的 Text 1 牧羊犬Eva立刻返回护主。 W:I'm going to get married on October 1st.Would you like to attend my wedding? 44.A根据bit onto the bodyguard's head可知,美洲狮攻击Eva,turn on,攻击,turn down, M:Wow!Congratulations,Jenny!I'd like to,but I have to go on a business trip then.Have 拒绝,turn over,.转交,turn into,变成。 you invited Mary? 45.B.根据so she ran up to the road to get help和下文Houston帮忙驱赶美洲狮可知, W:Yeah.But she told me she would visit her grandparents then. Wilson Wilson试图用石头击退斯子,但没有成功。 46.C.根据who was driving by和Houston jumped out of her car可知,Houston正好开车 Text 2 路过,看到Wilson后停下了车,pull out,驶出、驶离;pull down,捣毁拆除;puup, W:Bill,I'm busy preparing meeting materials.I was wondering if you could help me translate this file. M:Did you do anything else? M:Is that urgent?I need to meet a client later. W:No.I planned to visit the Sydney Opera House and climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, W:Yes.In that case,I'll ask someone else for help. but unfortunately,I didn't go because of the tight schedule. Text 3 Text 8 W:Steven,shall we go shopping tomorrow? W:A cup of coffee,please.Hey,Paul,what a lucky chance to see you here! M:Hmm..Why don't we go shopping the day after tomorrow?Tomorrow is Sunday. M:Hi,Betty,it's been a long time. There will definitely be many people in the mall. W:Yes,indeed.Well,did you hear that Joe moved last month?He is throwing a Text 4 party this weekend.And he invited me. M:Mrs.Smith,I'm sorry to say that I'm afraid I can't continue with this job. M:Er,yes,he invited me,too.But I refused. W:What's wrong?I can give you five more days of annual leave. W:What's up? M:It's not that.A new company offered me a higher position. M:I have scheduled to go to the seaside with my friends. Text 5 W:Oh,what a pity! W:Wow,look.People inside the car are safe and sound when the car is crashing against M:Yeah.But it's a good thing that I gave Joe the gift early. the wall. W:Well,what did you give him? M:Yeah,it's a very impressive advertisement. M:A bottle of red wine. Text 6 W:Not bad.Could you recommend a gift to me?I really can't think of anything. W:Juan in a Million,what can I do for you? M:I think there should be a big cake at the party.I know a good cake shop near here. M:Hi,This is Allan White speaking.I've made a reservation for 6:00 p.m.on Sunday. It's just opposite the flower shop. W:Let me check,please...Here it is.What's the matter? W:Sounds nice.You've really saved the day for me. M:Well,two of my friends called me just now,saying they couldn't make it.So I no M:Not at all.I hope you have a good weekend. longer need a 12-people table.Book me a smaller one,please. Text 9 W:Sure.I will change it right away.Any other requests? M:Good evening,Shirly Hunter.Welcome to our program!Can you introduce yourself M:No,thank you very much. to our listeners? Text 7 W:Sure.My name's Shirly Hunter.I was born in Nova Scotia,Canada.I've been living M:Julie,I heard you went to Australia. here in Montreal for about nine months.I moved from Tokyo.I was teaching English W:Yeah,I went there to host a meeting.But I got some time to go sightseeing. and also designing jewelry in Tokyo. M:So,did you go there alone? M:Wow,OK!So,I visited your website today and your jewelry designs are amazing.So W:No,I went there with a colleague.We had a wonderful time! tell me,how did you get started? M:Did you go diving in the Great Barrier Reef?I heard the scenery there is very W:Well,actually my mother was a jeweler when I was a child.So,it was always beautiful. something that I was a little bit interested in.studied Art at university at first.But W:@Yeah,but I'm not used to the weather there.When I first got off the plane,the when I was in my second year,I tried to design the jewelry and I realized that it was weather was still very cool.But most of the time I had to take an umbrella and put something I really liked.So I changed my major and focused on Jewelry Design. on sunscreen to prevent my skin from getting sunburned. M:So,where do you draw inspiration for your pieces?

