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[db:作者] 2023-10-28知识百科




CThere are two ways to forget about one's problems in life, music and a cat. At the Hey Cat Cafein Wuhan, you can have both. Over 30 cats wear red clothes with their names on it. They welcomedand served guests(招待客人) every day. Most of them are black cats and homeless.People call the cafe“Black Cat Re-Employment Service Center(黑猫再就业服务中心) ” Itstarted in September 2021. All the money from the cafe will be to help homeless animals. Du is itsleader. He said starting the cafe can show people the right idea of black cats.Many people thoughtblack cats were bad luck symbol in many movies and TV shows."That's because over the last 17 years, a lot of people have come to Du to adopt(领养) cats, butmany would tell him they didn't want a black one. Du said, “In traditional Chinese culture(传统中国文化) , black cats can bring people luck. They were very popular in the past.”He said the cafe wouldbe a good place for people to learn about cats and how to protect(保护) animals.63.What can we learn from the first paragraph?A.There are lots of problems in the cafe.B.We can know the cats’names from their clothes.C. Many guests were homeless in the cafe.D.There were less than 30 catsin the cafe.64. What does black cat mean (意思) in many movies?



31.What is the author's attitude toward old food technologies?A.Approving. B.Negative. C.In different. D.Unclear.


2.Where are the woman’s parents?A. At the restaurant. B. At the theatre. C. At the bookshop.

