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[db:作者] 2023-11-01知识百科




2.What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Go straight to bed.B. Take some medicine.C.Drink some honey and lemon.



6. What will take up the most in the fi man cial budge r?A. Transportation fee.B. Hotel bills. C.Food cost.


As the mangroves 42 , so did the fish that live among their roots -a 43 for the fishingvillage of K izing it in i. The threat to their livelihoods and homes 44Abudh i and other women tostart replanting the mangroves, often spending all day at the 45 , taking time away from caring for____their families and 46 their small businesses. Protecting the mangroves over the past few decadeshas 477their incomes, but they felt it was a matter of urgency, Abudh i said.“Replanting the mangroves is not 48 We have to go early in the morning to get theseedlings(幼苗) and then come to the beach and plant them until evening, just before the tides449 again. We couldn't make 50____ttime for our businesses, ”she said.Today, the women of Kiz ing it in i no longer have to 51 to both make a living and conserve theangrgroves, thanks to a loan scheme that helps them keep food on the table s o they can 52 tocontinue planting. “This has led to increased 53of women in conservation and communitydevelopment, as well as reduced gender(性别) 54 , ”said Abudh i.Mangrove forests can 55 flooding and are considered key to controlling climate change andprotecting people against warming-linked disasters.41. A. cut away B. settle d own C. set out D.get up42. A.moved B.disappeared C.died D.rose43.A. contribution B.choice C. disaster D.luck44. A.encouraged B. motivated C.ordered D.requested45. A. neighbor B. community C. beach D.village46.A.selling B. losing C.closing D.running47.A. increased B.gained C.produced D.decreasedBe as48.A.difficultC.worthwhile D.suitable49.A. re trnB.calm C. fall D.remove50.A.hardB. enough C. long D.cheap51. A. struggle B.stop C. prepare D.determine52. A. attemptt B.witness C.afford D.refuse53.A. unemploymentB. resignation C. participation D. talent

