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[db:作者] 2023-11-02知识百科




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。.I once unplugged(拔掉电源插头) the TV for a month.It was summer, the season oflong walks and beach parties—I didn't need TV that much then. But I k new if I reallywanted to 41 I could do without television, Id have to survive the darkest, coldest____England months without it. This winter, I had my 42 ovish 3n u eiA year ago I moved into my own place.43 alone was an opportunity to chose how Iwanted to live.i.And being TV-free would allow me to do what I didn't have 44 for..Iwondered if I would feel lonely, but 45 to spend time o visiting y-46 friends than to be________with my “friends”on TV. But I also considered 47 a small TV for special need.ru I did miss a lot, but Iicould feel 48i changes. I had thought that I was too 49 to________read after a long day at work, but now I found myself 50 a lot. Sometimes I even enjoyedthat rare thing called quiet . I also 51 doing volunteer work almost every week..!Sometime during the winter, the season I thought would be most difficult, :Idiscovered I had crossed the line from experiment to 52:, Finally, I put up a paintingon the only livingroom wall that could have a TV. A friend came over for the first time,and with a surprised 53 she asked, “So, don't you have a TV?”a sId on't know how long my new lifestyle will last.I might want to 54 with myTV____.55 , but I'm confident now that I'll still find time and space for me.41.A. attract B.view i o g a c; C. prove. D.design42, A. adventureB.explorationC. movement D.test 43.A. Living B.Hiking .itC.RegisteringD.Touring



听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Why does Phyllis call Evan Peters?A.To send an invitation.B.To offer some information.C.To confirm a booking.


14.What can we infer about birds from Wic be's words?A. They are poor at using tricks. B.They use feathers to play catch.C.They seek food near their nests.D. They may be aware of nest stealers.

