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[db:作者] 2023-11-07知识百科




17. Whom does the man suggest the woman phone?C.A shop.A. The woman’s friend.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。B. The manager of the shop.C. The manager of the restaurant.



41. In which following month does a lighing strike may often happen?A.Jan ury cugust D. DecemberB.April


Bats like to sleep in the daytime and fly out to look for food at night.Over 200 years ago, Lazzaro Sp allan zani, a scientist in Italy, thought, “Bats must see things 41 inthe dark.”He caught some bats and covered their eyes. Then in the evening, he put out those bats. He was422 to find that they could still be free to catch insects.“It seems that 43 are not so important to bats. Maybe the nose is more important, the man wasthinking. He 44 his scientific test. This time he blocked the bats’noses. But they could still 45 allkinds of trouble and find food. Then he blocked the bats' ears. After he did so, none of the bats could find theirs.46.Some of them even hit their heads against the floor.This proved that the 47off bats flying skills had to lie in their ears. Sp allan zani understood that bat48their hearing to catch food.49the ultrasonic sound waves that human couldn't he ar, but bats could.Later, some other scientists 49Is it possible for some other animals to 50”with their ears like bats? Yes, scientists have found thatdolphins can also use their ultrasonic sound waves to find food.( ) 41.A. finally B.clearly C. simply D.actually)) 42.A.worried B.relaxed C.tired D.surprisedC.eves)43. A. wings B.legsD.mouths)444.A. continuedB.succeeded C. researched D.included) 45. A. cause B.avoid C.cheat D.leave) 46. A. traditionsB.situations C. invitations D.directions47.A. review B.period D.mannersecret) 48. A. depend onB. hear from C. take after D. wait for)) 49.A. completedB.discovered C. expressed D.disappeared( ) 50. A. say B.ask C.run D.see

