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[db:作者] 2023-11-13知识百科





5.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Teacher and student.C.Classmates.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。.I once unplugged(拔掉电源插头) the TV for a month.It was summer, the season oflong walks and beach parties—I didn't need TV that much then. But I k new if I reallywanted to 41 I could do without television, Id have to survive the darkest, coldest____England months without it. This winter, I had my 42 ovish 3n u eiA year ago I moved into my own place.43 alone was an opportunity to chose how Iwanted to live.i.And being TV-free would allow me to do what I didn't have 44 for..Iwondered if I would feel lonely, but 45 to spend time o visiting y-46 friends than to be________with my “friends”on TV. But I also considered 47 a small TV for special need.ru I did miss a lot, but Iicould feel 48i changes. I had thought that I was too 49 to________read after a long day at work, but now I found myself 50 a lot. Sometimes I even enjoyedthat rare thing called quiet . I also 51 doing volunteer work almost every week..!Sometime during the winter, the season I thought would be most difficult, :Idiscovered I had crossed the line from experiment to 52:, Finally, I put up a paintingon the only livingroom wall that could have a TV. A friend came over for the first time,and with a surprised 53 she asked, “So, don't you have a TV?”a sId on't know how long my new lifestyle will last.I might want to 54 with myTV____.55 , but I'm confident now that I'll still find time and space for me.41.A. attract B.view i o g a c; C. prove. D.design42, A. adventureB.explorationC. movement D.test 43.A. Living B.Hiking .itC.RegisteringD.Touring


听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Why did Sally fail to attend the party?A.She missed the bus to the party.B.She had a bad headache.e.C.She cared for her grandfather.11.How long did the party last?

