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[db:作者] 2023-11-13知识百科





35. Wha i is the bes title or the text?A. Multi z ultural Experie mos Are Wait in g lor Y oB. Inter nations. Studen s Ar We lo me te AmericaC. Culture S hnk s Int ematical Stud ets May Experience in AmericaD.easc as Wh The Arc a Large Nu ber of Caltre Shnrles in dm ericaC.The large si draw hark is the potentially ligh cstD. It's a sign it icant miles toe despite the agc of the graduatesE. Figur nu a rough est in ate of how t any people you’c like to inviteF. Cou sier bocking your parry later in the su e: we n mc re restau ants are availableG. Consider throwing a party later in the scss on when you: most beloved cn c aravailable



12.What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Count peanuts. B.Chew some gum. C.Put on a coat.


( ) 64. What does the u der lined word purchases mean in Chinese (画线单词“purchases"的中文意思是什么)?A.归还 B.购买C.出售 D.忘记

