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神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语

[db:作者] 2023-11-14知识百科
神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语得系列试题及其答案,更多

神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语选择部分

神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语

A. This afternoon.BB. This evening. C. Tomorrow.7.What are the speakers going to do this evening??A. Visit some football players. B. Eat ia Chinese restau ant.C. Watch a game downtown.

2、神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语填空题部分

神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语

19.Which method can help improve students memory?A.Having a pre-study test.B.Studying in a fixed place.C. Taking exercise after studying.

3、神州智达 2023-2024高二省级联测考试 上学期期中考试英语阅读理解部分

TThe test designed to test whether a person is a certified lifeguard is no 49. Itincludes swimming 300 yards, treading water (踩水) , and 50 a 10-pound brick off the____ed her 52 and officially____bottom of the pool. 51, through tire les efforts, she earned her 52____started as a part-time lifeguard on May 27. Now, she 53 when the other lifeguards needas atime of. Gail Rodgers is proving that you don’t have to be 54 to make a positive 555on your community.D.viewers41.A.coaches B.lifeguards C.studentsD.decorated42.A.destroyed B.transformed C.closedD.declined43.A.trained B.claimed C.promised44.A.important B.difficult C.differentD.urgentD.blow45.A.wave B.deliver C.hear46.A.connected B.equipped C.concernedD.recognizeD.presented47.A.create B.desire C.learn48.A.mental B.intelligent C.medical D.physical49.A.joke B.fear C.surprise D.challenge50.A.throwing B.grabbing C.packingD.touching51.A.Moreover B.Hence C.Nevertheless D.Somewhat52.A.certification B.passport C.patent D.ticket53.A.runs away B.fills in C.drops by D.sticks out54.A.poor B.old C.strong D.young55.A.impact B.suggestion C.impression D.comment第二节 (共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

