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广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语

[db:作者] 2023-11-17知识百科
广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语得系列试题及

广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语选择部分

广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语

18. What did the speaker think of the typical American diet?A.It was tasty. B.It was addictive.C.It was unhealthy.

2、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语填空题部分

广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语

A bird made its house in a big tree. For years, it lived happily there.On a cold day, when it sat in its home, cold wind blew hard and it started raining heavily. Thena monkey came and sat in the tree near its home. Its teeth were chattering(打颤) because of cold.Hearing that sound, the bird saw the monkey and asked, “What are you doing here in this rain?Don't you have a house?”Monkey was cold and angry(生气) , so he didn't answer and kept quiet. The bird showed itsadvice(意见) , “It seems that you have no home. That's why you are getting wet in this rain. Youlook healthy, then why don't you build your house?”Monkey still didn't answer. The bird kept saying, “It is foolish(愚蠢) of you not to build yourown house. Now, look at its result."Hearing this, monkey got angry. He broke the bird's house. Now, the bird lost its home, as theresult of give advice to a fool (愚蠢的人) .70. What made the bird find the monkey?A. The sound of rain. B. The sound of the tree.C.The sound of monkey's teeth. D. The sound of the wind.

3、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳模拟金卷(三)英语阅读理解部分


