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[db:作者] 2023-11-26知识百科





27.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?A. To show miners’working conditions.B.To remind people of dangerous mines.C. To explain how to survive when trapped.D.To report the rescue of a mining accident.



( ) 71.Why are some parents worried?A. The policy will make other students get better grades.B. Students will have more time to study at school.C.Students will get less help from after-school classes.D. Students will have more time for computers.


When Jason Ar day was 3 years old, he suffered from a serious illness. Doctors warnedhis family that his life would never be41As it turned out, Jason was n’t able tocommunicate effectively in most of his42Growing up in South London, England, Jason didnt 43 speaking until he was 11.44, he couldn't read or write until he was 18, yet his 45 was continually observing446 the world around him.“Why are some people homeless?”he thought hard.“Why is there war?”Jason didn't47the reason since he didnt get an education, but he was already a 48 sociologistdetermined to change the world.449 college professor Sandro Sandri accidentally, who 50 became his forevermennt oror((导师) changed Jason's 51 . He learned to read and write, then got a degreeand became a 52 .When he was 22, he started working towards his first master'sdegree, writing academic papers and studying 53 after teaching PE all day.____It took many v ears of 54 before any of Jason's academic contributions wereaccepted, but he never 55 .With Sandro's encouragement, he went on to 56 twomaster's degrees as well as a PhD in educational studies.A she worked towards his PhD, Jason set a 57ggoal for himself: to get a jobit!working for Cambridge. Just eight years later, he 58____In March 2023, Jason made history, 59 a professor of Sociology of Education inUniversity of Cambridge. At age only 37, he’s the 60 Black professor in the university’shistory. B.suitable C.interesting D.fair41. A. easyB.youthC. imagination D.comparis on42.A. memoryB.startC.delay D.avoid43.A.enjoyB.SomehowC.Also D.Otherwise

