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[db:作者] 2023-11-26知识百科





27.What is the best title for the text?A.Tight budget, happy lifeB.Low prices, fair businessC.Tasty tai dop voy, deep loveD.Small businesses, big kindnesses



beyond Europe to include all 48 of the United Nations while keeping to their 49 goalof achieving 50 through the intellectual and moral education of humanity.I had high expectations for this event, which 51 to bean evening of music, dance anda display of arts by three countries along the Silk Road. The performances were indeedexcellent. The three musical performances by the Kazakh band, filled with wonderful musicand low drum beats, had everyone on the edge of their 52 . I also enjoyed the han fufashion show which was the final performance for the evening. The history of han fu was53 by models wearing clothes from different Chinese dynasties. They walked on to thestage while the host explained the details of each han fu style. I found the event to be not onlyalong the Silk Road.UNESCO's events offer chances to celebrate and appreciate their uniquebeauty.41.A.introducing B.attending C.reviewing D.recording42.A.replaced B.decorated C.noticed D.created43.A.sport B.research C.practice D.shopping44.A.founded B.bothered C.controlled D.separated45.A.villages B.libraries C.governments D.banks46.A.turn down B.look for C.turnover D.put down47.A.industry B.education C.agriculture D.transport48.A.cities B.companies C.communities D.countries49.A.original B.unrealistic C.unimportant D.strange50.A.invention B.convenience C.peace D.honesty51.A.promised B.agreed C.learned D.dared52.A.doors B.beds C.tables D.seats53.A.copied B.written C.displayed D.taught54.A.extremely B.barely C.likely D.slightly55.A.regulations B.climates C.resources D.cultures


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