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[db:作者] 2023-11-30知识百科





Many students are worried aiki ir fooks. Zeng, a student from Chengdu said,“Almost all the girls in my ol r r single-fold eyelids(单眼皮) made operations《手术) .”She also did it bare e so thought bigger eyes looked more beautiful. -1 v 5know why most of he su dents care about their looks?First of all, Ja the uti saying goes, “Everyone has a heart for beauty It s naturalfor students to lo uk or beauty. By ways of science, they can tum their looks moreeasily.Then, beautiful faces and bodies are everywhere in v, hows. Seeing all thesethings can make someone think that they are too dark, te o r at, too short or too tall. Asa result, most of them decide to have operations. I hen they feel more confident(自信的) about their looks.In fact, look is not the only thing in our le. It is clear that students should turntheir mind quickly. If so, they will find their inner(内在的) beauty, and they won'tcare about how they look all the time. After all, health and learning are the mostimpoor tant things for students.C) 63. How does the writer start the passage?A. By having a discussion.B.By giving a saying.C. By giving a fact. D. By comparing things.(17) 64. How many reasons make students care about their looks?A. Five.____B.Four. C. Three. D.Two.A65. How may students feel about their looks when seing beautiful faces and bodies?



622. In which part of a newspaper can you find the text?D.Art.A. Science. B.Study. C. Exercise.


15.Where will the speakers have the birthday dinner?B. At home.A. In a restaurant.C. In a supermarket

