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[db:作者] 2023-12-04知识百科





uldYears ago, when I first became a 46 , what would I have done if my kids had 47,“Don't post my photos! I d on't want everyone to 48 what I did!”?I guess I could haveposted photos that didn’t 49 their faces. Shots from the back. Heads cut of. I could havechanged my kids’50 when sharing their stories. Called them Princess or Honey. Butwhat about people who know me in 51 life? Mlife? My friends, colleagues or neighbors couldgustill have worked things out. The n I would 52 have given up sharing their stories online.It's easy to get carried away with what we think is a 53 blog post idea, butsometimes we need to 54 and consider the persons we're writing about. We should n’tinsist on 55 their life online if they don't agree.41. A. mind B.agree C.remember D.understand42.A.colleagues B.neighbors C.kids D.friends43.A.flexible B.visible C.inspirationalD.professional44.A.come to B.appeal to C.occur to D.belong to45.A.gratitude B.guidance C.preparation D.permission46.A. painter B.parent C.blogger D.fan47.A.smiled B.protested C.cheered D.apologized48. A. know B.ignore C.prove D.doubt49. A. hide B.change C.cover D.include500. A. positions B.names C.donations D.looksC51.A. real B.virtual C.modern D.ancient52.A. slightly B.definitely C.fortunately D.rarely53.A. complex B.common C.traditional D.wonderful54.A.stop B.battle C.complain D.respond



30.What is the uthor's atitude towards having genetic infomation?A.Objective. B.Positive. C.Ambiguous. D.Negative.


33. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?B. The key role of tourism in Dubai.A. The features of the moon resort.D. The purpose of carrying out Moon Dubai.C. The potential value of Moon Dubai.

