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趣找知识 2023-12-06知识百科
广东省2023一2024学年高三11月统一调研测试英语PHOTO/ILLUSTRATION:No more than 10 im
广东省2023一2024学年高三11月统一调研测试英语PHOTO/ILLUSTRATION:No more than 10 images,5MB maximum for each;with an introduction of up to 200 wordsin either English or Chinese,offering background information of the work.·SHORT VIDEO:Format:MP4 or MOV.意事项:Size:1GB maximum,up to 4 minutes.1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。Caption:No more than 200 English or Chinese words to give a brief introduction.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需Music:Music is optional for the video,but if included,it must have obtained international改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。copyright from a legitimate source.写在本试卷上无效。Quality:Clear and stable image.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。1.Which of the following is qualified for the submissions?A.、My Chinese friends in France、.一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)B.、My stories of the Grand Canal、.一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)C.、My growing coffee business in China、.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。D.、My experiences of playing football in Shanghai、.A2.What will happen if you submit a short video as an individual?A.You will be given money and certificates if you win.2023DISCOVER BEAUTIFUL CHINA、B.You will compete with other individuals and organizations.Call for submissions:C.You will have your works displayed on the China Daily App.Photos,illustrations and short videosD.You will be given certificates for your distinguished contribution.3.What must be included in the submitted works?HO WE AREA.A piece of music.China Daily,China Daily Website,the China Daily App and the Discover Beautiful ChinaB.Copyright of photos.atform are calling for submissions of photos,illustrations and videos from now until the end ofC.A brief introduction.ecember,2023.D.The Chinese language.HAT WE ARE LOOKING FORPhotos,illustrations or short videos with four major themes:For 60-year-old Gao Ruyi,the proudest achievement in his life is not measured in honors orriches but in the wings of over 1,000 swans he has rescued.Gao,former director of the wildlifeSceneryCityscapesCustomsCulturalrescue station in Sanmenxia,Henan province,has guarded swans and the ecosystems they live inof Chinain Chinaunique to Chinaheritages of Chinafor almost four decades.His efforts have earned him the name 、Swan Dad、.Special topic for the 2023 submissions could include specific experiences of culture orGao Ruyi grew up near the Yellow River,China's second-longest river.He had littleurism you have enjoyed,including but not limited to:connection to swans until the winter of 1988 when one day the peacefulness of the riverside was*、Famous mountains I have explored in China、broken by gunshots.Rushing to the scene,he found that someone had opened fire on the swans.*、Rivers in China that have left a deep memory for me、The heart-wrenching cries of four wounded swans left a deep-rooted mark on him.Since then,*、I have climbed the Great Wall、Gao has become a guardian of swans and a witness to the swan protection efforts along the Yellow*、My stories of learning Chinese culture、River.WHAT YOU CAN GETThe endeavor()is not without its challenges.1.We will select the works of individuals and organizations separately.Gao started working at a wildlife rescue station in the Yellow River wetland in Sanmenxia in2.We offer three types of prize respectively for photos,illustrations and short videos.1994.Despite their efforts,illegal activities continued.One such tragedy happened in 1998.3.Individual winners will receive cash prizes and certificates;and winning organizations willSeveral wild ducks and swans were poisoned.Gao immediately called the police and providedreceive certificates for their distinguished contribution.treatment for the feathery victims.、Swans have memories,、he said,、Since the incident,4.Some of the best works have a chance to be featured on the China Daily Website.nobody saw swans in the area for many years.、段落大意题。第三段首句提到之前的研究表明火能让草原植物开更多花,接着闸述了火的另外一个作用即能让紫锥花同时开花并且产出的种子数量比往年多一倍:最后一句提到现在还不明确为什么火会给紫锥花带来这样的改变。所以本段主要介绍了火对草原上植物的影响。故选B推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可推知,Kathryn Yurkonis既承认了这一发现带来的好处,也指出了其不足,因此她的态度是客观的。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明活在当下的意义和可行的方法。本段开头说明没有活在当下(沉谢过去或焦虑未来)给人们带米的危害,然后提到你(读者)也可能是其中一员,说明这种现象对你(读者)的危害。G项“学会活在当下可以极大地提升你的生活幸福感”可以承接上文本段小标题为“关注你的周围”,因此A项与上文衔接自然,表示“现在闭上眼睛,深吸一口气,然后峥开眼睛,认真观察你所处的环境ˉ。A项中的where yo0are”与小标题中的Your Surroundings”相呼应本段的小标题为“感恩你所拥有的”。F项为本段中心句,是对小标题的更详细的解释:且F项中appreciate”与小标题中的“Be Grateful for、,空后的“you are grateful for'、相呼应本段小标题为“接受现实”。空前介绍“接受现实”的方法:通过放弃幻想来接受现实。本空接着解释要放弃幻想的原因:人不可能控制发生在自身周围的一切。故选C项。本段小标题为”寻找积极正面的社交支持”。空前提到”与积极正面的人交往会增加你自己的正能量和幸感”,所以此处选E“相应地,这种正能量和幸福感会使你更关注身边正在发生的事情~承接上文。本文是一篇失叙失议文。作者通过自身经历说明了榄延会带来的后果,警示人们无论事情是大是小,尽量及决根据语境及下文中的、turn off that valve”可知,作者应该做的是关掉阀门。根据后文中的“The city already wamned unpleasant results could follow、“My wife,Anita,also talked about iteveral times..”可知,作者并非没有被提醒过要关掉阀门。根据上下文语境可知,此处表示市政已经警示过居民:如果未能及时关闭间门,会产生不好的结果根据下文的对话内容可知,此处表示因作者的妻子提醒他关闭阀门而时常会有类似这样的对话。根据上下文语境和句意可知,当被妻子问到有没有关闭阀门时,作者总会回答道:“是的,我需要去完成这件事。”根据上文对话可知,此处表示作者的妻子希望他能在天气变得很冷之前把自来水的阀门关掉。根据语境可知,作者真城地向妻子保证:“我明天就会把它关掉。根据句意可知,因为天气一直很暖和,并且暖秋后面通常会是瑗冬,所以作者心里一直认为不需要急着关掉国门。根据语境可知,作者一直告诉自己,“天气变冷了,我就会去关掉它”。作者内心认为一直不关阀门不会有十么问题,而且这件事可以很快地完成。毕竟,关闭阀门只需要花费大约42秒的时间根据上文内容可知,关闭阀门是一件非常简单的事情。根据下文内容可知,作者一家因为没能及时关闭阀门付出了昂贵的代价(阀门破裂、地下室被淹等)。pyor表示“(为某种过失)付出代价”。根据语境及生活常识可知,自来水阀门被裂,水在流向地下室的过程中也许还会渗入房子的墙壁,对其造成员伤。根据语境可知,维悠供水管道和房子的损伤不仅花了作者一家许多钱,还给他门的生活造成很多不便最后一段是作者通过这件事情得到的感悟:拖延并不只是意味着推迟做某件事或某个决定,它还会带来相立的后果。故选A根据全文内容可知,作者一直拖延、不去关闭阀门,这造成了他门需要支付维修房星的费用并且生活不便有后果。因此此处表示,不作为实际上也是一种(会带来后果的)行为本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了中回神州十七号载人飞升空的相关信息,可时也介绍了此次的飞行来组及主要任务。36.s考查介问。此处指中国作为一个后起之秀跻身太空强国。故填介问as。37,has become考查时态。根据句中的时间状语“S0far”可知设空处应用现在完成时,表示中国已经跻身太空强国的事实。38,fully考查副同。此处修饰operational.故用副词形式。39.heading考查非语动词。比处表示伴随状况,且提示词head与逻辑主语three Chinese astronauts为主动关系,故用现在分词。40.youngest考查形容问最高级。此处表示“送往太空的最年轻的一组航天员ˉ,放用最高级。41.an考查冠问。此处表达“神州十七号飞行乘组的航天员的平均年龄是38岁”,aw℃agc为元音音素开头。故用an。42.were destroyed考查时态语态。先行问是物体panels,设空处在定语从句中做谓语,根据句意及空后的“by甲ace debris ye:出sgo”可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态。43.W0考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词指人。故用W0。44,Completed考查非语动词。分析句子结构可知,比处应用提示词的过去分问形式作状语:位于句首,首字母应大写。45.stations考查名词复数。比处表示天宫空间站是目前在轨运行的两座空间站之一。故用stations。One possible version:Dear John.You said you had trouble in practicing Chinese calligraphy,which made you upset.I hope you don't give uphalfway.If you stick it out,I am sure it will bring you a peaceful mind and a unique cultural experience.As to bow to improve,firstly,you should strictly follow your teacher's instructions and make adjustmentswhenever necessary.Secondly,always observe the structure of Chinese characters when practicing.Only when you'veunderstood it can you write it well.Hope my advice will be of some help.Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Seeing this.the two kids gave quite different responses.Anna accepted all this with complete innocence.happyand excited and eager to eat,looking forward to the coming of fairies next year.But John was astonished,speechless,humbled.He looked up at me,at his dad.then gazed around the neighbourhood in amazement.、The fairies must havecome,、he said hesitantly as we all sat down to feast.、Maybe...is there really..was this magic?、For the wholenight,John was thinking about these events in his heart and mind.It was late but the confusion kept John wide awake,and finally he came to me.、Mummy,、he whispered.、Ican't sleep.You have to tell me how,please!、Now I knew it was necessary to answer a direct question with a directanswer,so I told him the truth.I had asked a friendly neighbour to help us perform the trick.Shortly after we left fora walk,she went to our house secretly and switched the bowls.John smiled in relief and thanked me for telling him thetruth.Then he went to his bed and fell asleep soundly.Just at that moment,I believed in magic too.

