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[db:作者] 2023-12-06知识百科





29.According to the text, who might be the most suitable one to sleep with a dog?A.A newborn babyB.A survivor of an earthquakeC.An old man with a heart diseaseD.A young man suffering from lack of sleep



45 slowly putting one on with one hand. However, 46 one was a different story. Iwas once stuck and half naked in a swimsuit. I still refused to bother others and was even47 to reach for a knife to find my way out. A girl near me saw me struggling. She rushedover and managed to 48 meina minute.At a Paralympic event, everyone player has a(n) 49. Being unwilling to 50 ahelping hand made me a(n) 51 one. However the 52 in that changing room helpedme start to become a new normal person.At first, learning to ask for help was the adaptation that proved to be more difficult thanputting on a 53 with one hand. After some efforts, I realized learning to do so was notthe decision I had 54 made, but it became the win I 55 wanting most.41.A.occasionally B.slowly C.hesitantly D.sharply42.A.relearn B.predict C.analyze D.memorize43.A.forgiveness B.assistance C.permission D.protection44.A.gather B.change C.worsen D.appear45.A.equal to B.opposed to C.skilled at D.crazy about46.A.choosing B.preserving C.washing D.removing47.A.ready B.afraid C.relieved D.shocked48.A.blame B.inspire C.free D.greet49.A.alternative B.certificate C.shortcoming D.disability50.A.seek for B.point out C.hold up D.look into51.A.confident B.outgoing C.strange D.selfless52.A.guidance B.conflict C.joke D.incident53.A.hat B.swimsuit C.coat D.glasses54.A.initially B.dangerously C.widely D.frequently55.A.gave up B.objected to C.ended up D.put off


14.What advice does Lily give on safety?A.Use noticeable board and sail.B.Prepare life-saving equipment.C.Tell someone how you can be identified.

