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[db:作者] 2023-12-08知识百科





C.They said Santa Claus could judge a kid to be good or bad.D.They have told many lies to their children besides Santa Claus.



A We all have the same amount of time in a day.B.Life is too short to waste time on things that dont matter.C.Distractions are one of the most difficult challenges we face.D.It encourages us to be mindful of our time and to use it wisely.Et It's all too easy to let time slip away while browsing our news feeds.F/It illustrates the idea that time is fleeting and it doesnt wait for anyone.G.With so much to do, its easy to lose track of time and allow it to pass by you.


22. What makes it easy for American families to visit Puerto Rico?____11A. The similar culture. B. The same language.C. Convenient traffic means.____D. No request for passports. HodA Aya ab woll 1

