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[db:作者] 2023-12-08知识百科





贯完整。As we know, more people in the world speak English than any other languag V hyy are so manypeople learning English?Of course, it’s one of the most useful languages and people31 use itthroughout the world. And there are some other 32.Sema is a housewife. She has been learning English for about six years.“I have already 33 alot of English, but I want to become better at t, ” she says.“My husband is Australian, but he is alwaysbusy with work . So I want to be able to 34 children with their homework and lessons.”Laurent is just starting English at the age of 46. It seems 35 to learn well, but he is doing agood job.“At first, I didn’t want to learn it, but 36 I decided to do it. And I want to travel aroundthe world and I’d like to feel comfortable when I’m 37 it, ”he said.Fai h has to lear English at school. He says, “For many years, I didn’t have any 38inEnglish. It was to hard for me. But now l go to an international school and 39 two English claseseeach da not 40 to speak anymore. ve made many friends and now I love English. My life haschanged because of English. I love listening to English music, too."B ) 31. A. happily B. widely C. quickly D.luckily( )) 32. A. introductionsB. conversations C.reasons D. scores( A )3) 33.A. known B.heated C. stoleDD. rushed) 34.A. requireB. discover C.failB)D.help) 35. A. privateB. impossible C.silent( D) 36.A. simplyD.humorousCB. quietly( )) 37.A. spreadingC. usuallyD.finallyAB. guarding38. A. interestC. speakingD.producing(CB. secret) 39. A. warnC.surfaceD. process



. What event will be held on Wednesday?A.To rent the house.B.To help sell the house.C. To do some repairs.A.Beautiful Community.B. Open House. C. Sunny Walks.


26.What does the underlined word “rag” mean?A. Congratulate. B. Laugh at. C. Show gratitude to. D. Follow.

