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[db:作者] 2023-12-08知识百科





20.What made the author so interested in traveling abroad?A.Growing up in India.B.Once staying in Canada.C.Once traveling to Canada with his father.D.His father's stories about his traveling experiences.



31.What is the best title for the text?A.A Night Owl or an Early BirdB.Why Fitness Plan Being ImportantC.Howto Change Your Exercise TimeD.The Best Time of a Day to Exercise


____a s he has received recognition and 48 for his photography and videography(录像片) .Going Awesome Places is William's main brand as a content creator. He provides49 guides, travel plans and packing lists to help prepare their trips to the place s he hasbeen to.____The 50 of Going Awesome Places has never been to build a media empire; 51 .it was sparked by the desire to build a business that would give him the 52 to travelwhile also giving back to his 53 . He expected that they could go on amazing adventureswith his help.A she looks to the future, William is 54 to see the progress of Going AwesomePlaces.He hopes to continue to enable others to explore the world and make 55 that will____last a lifetime.41.A.broke B.continued C.began D.completed42.A.encouraged B.surprised C.satisfied D.bored43.A.quit B.advance C.choose D.prevent44.A.review B.share C.connect D.compete45.A.years B.days C.months D.seasons46.A.discover B.prove C.improve D.recognize47.A.paid off B.worked out C.given in D.run out48.A.solutions B.challenges C.prizes D.comments49.A.secret B.suitable C.famous D.difficult50.A.joy B.goal C.law D.note51.A.besides B.however C.therefore D.instead52.A.way B.fame C.inspiration D.freedom53.A.guides B.families C.readers D.directors54.A.excited B.worried C.moved D.annoyed55.A.promises B.requests C.rules D.memories

