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[db:作者] 2023-12-09知识百科





26.What does the underlined word“vanish”in paragraph 4 mean?A.Spread. B.Disappear. C.Change. D.Repeat.



34.What is the author's attitude to sheltering oneself from failures?A.Unclear. B.Favorable. C.Doubtful. D.Disapproving.


While visiting Bukhara in 2007.I met a local young lady who seemed amazed to see me therealone taking pictures. We exchanged smiles and after some 41 , she eventually said the magicwords:“Do you speak English?”Her name was Maty. She was learning English because she42 to travel to Europe for her studies someday.Back then tourists were still a 43 sight in Bukhara. Therefore, she had no 44 topractice her spoken English. After some small talk, she 45 to show me around so that shecould practice her English. We spent a couple of hours wandering around the OldTown and visitingsome places of interest. And I became 46 with many things about the city. At that time, mostof the information boards were in Tajik and Russian, so I would have 47 many interestingthings without the help of Maty.The n Maty 48 me to go to her home for dinner with her family. My 49 in theneighborhood was like a show. By then everybody was 50 that a foreigner from Europe wascoming to Maty's house. And all her neighbors were standing on the balcony 51 me. After the52, I learned that Maty's parents had a small restaurant and her mother had even 53some special things for me. The meal was really rich and delicious What a(n) 54 !The kindness of Maty and her family was 55 the most unforgettable part of my Uzbekistantrip! And we still keep in touch by email!41. A. investigationB.hesitation C. negotiations D.presentations42. A. agreed B. afforded C.promised D. desired43. A. rare B.regular C. typical D.particular44. A. power B.ability C. opportunity D. intention45. A. pretended B.managed C.guaranteed D. offered46. A. bored B.familiar C.content D.patient47.A. missed B.ruined C. forgotten D.abandoned48. A. permitted B.reminded C. inspired D. invited49. A. encounter B.investment C. appearance D.exploration50. A. aware B. nervous C. awkward D. optimistic51. A. looking intoB.dealing with C. waiting for D.learning from52.A. adaptation B.introduction C.evaluation D.analysis53.A. returned B.withdrawn C. rejected D.prepared

