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[db:作者] 2023-12-11知识百科





17.Why do people build underground houses?A.To save time and energy. B.To save land and money.C.To save land and energy.



(C)on th of celebration. But it doesn’t just have Christmas. JewishChristmas. Jewish(犹太族的) peoplehave Hanukkah, which is celebrated in late November or early December. The exact date is decided byh.the Jewish calendar. This year, the festival will take place on December 12th ad end at December 19th.HHanukkah is also known as the Festival f Light. Menorah, a special candle holder, is a symbol ofthe celebration of Hanukkah. Candles are lit (点燃) after sunset on each of the eight nights ofthe festival.Children love Hanukkah best because they are given gifts on each day of the festival. Money is alsogiven to children. Parents usually only give a few coins to their children, but grandparents or otherrelatives may give more to them.Children also have lots of games to play. The most popular one is called dreidel. A dreidel is a smallspinning top(陀螺) with four sides. Each player starts with 10 kinds of food. They put one of them in apot. Then, they take turns to spin(旋转) the dreidel. Depending on what side the dreidel lands,players either add to the pot r take half or the whole pot for themselves. Potatoes, eggs, onions andeven salt are welcomed in the game. Chocolate is the most popular one among them.48. Hanukkah usually lasts for .____A. 7 days B. 8 days C. 9 days D. 10 days49. The candles are lit during Hanukkah____A. before sunrise B. at noon C. after sunset D. at night


10.How does Janet feel about the situation of camera shops in the town?A.Embarrassed. B.Surprised. C.Ashamed.

