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[db:作者] 2023-12-11知识百科





4444 ripple(涟漪) started-he reduced price to Rs.30. When I 45 Rs. 30, he kept Rss. 10____for himself and gave Rs. 10 each to the girl and her sister. Kindness ripple 46 . I thanked theshoe repairer and told him that he did a very good job. I 47 the shoe repairer with ba man as thatI bought a while ago. Kindness ripple continued further.While walking back, the girl’s younger sister 48 a peeld(剥皮的) banana on the road.1.The girl bent to 49 the banana and put it in her carry-on bag. I 50 her sister another____banana. I also gave her some cookies and candies. Near the cross roads, I saw the giris standing there, waiting for her daughters, 52 to me and smiling.5I’m 53 that I have opportunities to serve and help others. Doing good holds the power t54 us on the inside, and then ripple out in ever expanding 55 that positively impact thworld at large.A141. A. shoes B.bike C.clothes D.bag3442. A. old B.broken C.traditional D. fashionableD.quoted1D43. A. borrowed B.gave C.owedC444. A. fear B.negotiation C. kindness D.conflictA45. A. paid B left ℃kept D.savedC46. A. happened B.changed C. continued D.remainedD47.A.exchanged B.handledC. assisted D.rewardedD48. A. dragged抱 B.pulled C.pushed D.droppedA 49.A. pick up捡花 B.put back C. hold on to D. throw away掉D550. A. charged B.booked C.offered D.boughtB51, A.brother B.mother C.father D.sisterC52. A. waving B.explaining C.pointing指 D. talking53. A. ashamed B.puzzled C.regretful D.grateful54. A. comp are B.expose C.transform D.connectB55. A.business B.circles C.roles D. membership



听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long has the zoo been open?A. For about 65 years.B. For about 110 years.C.For about 120 years.


听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How does the speaker ask the students to go to school?A.By bike. B.By bus. C. On foot18. When does Mr.Smith teach the class?A. At7:30. B.At 8:00. C. At 9:30.19..What does the speaker mainly talk about?A.Sports matches. B.School teachers. C.A school activity.20. What will studentget after the bike race in late April?A.Food. B.A bike. C. A drink.

