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山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语

[db:作者] 2023-12-14知识百科
山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1、山西省

山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语选择部分

山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语

7.What probably makes Mr. Hudson so worried?A.His mother’s illness. B. His son’s performance.C. The problem about his joh.

2、山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语填空题部分

山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语

it's OK if you're upset about something. It's valid if something annoys you.“Allow ourselvesand other people to share when they're going through a difficult time, ”she says. Dowd addsthat it's essential that“we all learn to cope with and process our emotions in a healthy way asopposed to avoiding how we feel as life's stressors continue to rise. For example, instead of simplysaying ‘Just think positively, ’we'd better say “Sometimes bad things happen. How can I help?”A.Are there ways to avoid toxic positivity?B.Toxic positivity also interrupts connection.C.It can hurt people who are going through difficult times.D.We've all heard and maybe used these phrases without much thought.t.E.Expressing toxic positivity to others may look like offering them a simple solution.F.Experts say constant forced positivity can lead to the opposite, and have a negativeeffect.G. This is what we may bring on to ourselves by not allowing negative thoughts andfeelings.

3、山西省2024届九年级阶段评估(二) 3L R英语阅读理解部分

23.What do the books have in common?A.They are based on true stories. B.They have similar backgrounds.C.They are aimed at young readers. D.They have teens as central characters.

