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江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语

[db:作者] 2023-12-14知识百科
江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语得系列试题及其答案,更

江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语选择部分

江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语

35. Which of the following damages coral reefs?A. Too many fish living in them.B. Divers observing the se a creatures.iresC. Algae growing in cold ocean water.D. Warmer water due to global warming.

2、江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语填空题部分

江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语

Interestingly, both phrases are completely reasonable to say to someone who is about to getmarried.On that note, some people choose to marry on February 29 because it is an unusual day. Butsome ancient people would likely tell couples not to do it. Leap years were believed to be difficult,and leap days were unlucky and a bad time to begin anything new.Whatever you think about them, the changes in the calendar will be gone soon enough. Then wecan return to normal, and leap over February 29 as usual.28.If December 31, 2121 is Wednesday, what day is December 31, 2124?A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Saturday. D.Sunday.

3、江西省2024届七年级第三次阶段适应性评估 R-PGZX A-JX英语阅读理解部分

Tan's relationship with ballet began at the age of 5 when she was 44in the striking beauty ofa performance named Swan Lake on TV.h Her 45 to enter a dance school was strongly supported by her mother, who also had a greataffection for ballet. She began to train 46 at Shanghai Dance School and graduated four yearslater. Her great efforts 47s paid off. She won many scholarships and awards at home and abroad.In 1995, Tan was admitted as a dancer by the company of San Francisco Ballet, soon after which shewas 48 to be its leading dancer.________Looking back, she is 49 that her Chinese parenting has a great influence on the way she50 dance, and she is proud of it.“My parents often say, The best is that what you do today isbetter than yesterday, ’ she recalls. “I know there is no perfection in the world, yet that's how Ikeep getting closer to being 51 every day. The stage is always full of magic and potential. Weneed to remember to leave our comfort zones and stay 52.oI want to challenge my past, 53my presence and try more things in the future, ”she says in an interview.l nsnWhen asked about her secret to career longevity, she says, “Put all the efforts into your career.Do things with 54 love and passion. Do not add age to your life but 55 to your age."41.A.supplies B.provides C. impresses D.charges42.A. featuring B.welcoming C.representing D.registering43.A. amazed B.awarded C.puzzled D.embarrassed44.A. dressed B.disappointed C.absorbed D.engaged45.A.image B.pressure C.effort D.wish46.A.hard B.deep C.privately D.previously47.A.suddenly B.simply C.eventually D.possibly48.A. promoted B.trapped C.rejected D.reminded49. A. anxious B.aware C.confused D.worried50. A. affects B.attacks C.adapts D.approaches1.A. perfect B.professional C.capable D.original52. A. graceful B.calm C.curious D.potential

