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This pricey family-ru
科左中旗民族职专·实验高中普高高三第三次月考(英语)试卷 This pricey family-run guest house is a short walk from Piazza del Popolo but also a stone's 命题人:敖思敏 审题人:刘美超 throw from the Museo dell'Ara Pacis.Brunetti 28 has seven rooms on two floors.The double 测试时间:120分 总、分:150分 rooms aren't huge,but they're big enough and well appointed.Guests can breakfast on a small 注意事项: terrace (in summer,or return there after a long day of walking around the city. 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚。 Hotel Sunset Roma 2.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,在试卷上答题无效。 This modest guesthouse is a good spot from which to see the best of Rome in the day and 第二部盼阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) explore the narrow streets of Monti in the evening.With its small bars,this neighbourhood has an 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 old Rome feel to it.Its airy rooms are a cheaper altemative to some of the city's grand hotels.The A hotel is on the street that runs between Via Nazionale and the Colosseum Visiting Rome?Insiders share tips on hotels 1.What can you do in Hotel Lunetta Rome? To really discover the best of Rome,there's a lot of walking to do,so choosing a hotel in the A.Have healthy food in the restaurant. B.Enjoy the night scene. city center is wise. C.Watch a play on the rooftop D.Appreciate the historic walls. Hotel Lunetta Rome 2.What is special about Hotel Campo de'Fiori? This four-star hotel near Campo de'Fiori will surprise you with its modern black and-white A.It is a family-run hotel marble(大理石)interiors(内部),but it's an amazement in the basement that'll have you posting B.It has a personal rooftop terrace. on Facebook-the ancient Roman walls of the Theater of Pompey.Hotel Lunetta doesn't have a C.It is 10 meters from the Museo dell'Ara Pacis restaurant,but there's a health spa for guests. D.It is within walking distance of Piazza del Popolo. Hotel Campo de'Fiori 3.Which hotel would you choose if you have a tight budget? The best thing about this hotel is its private rooftop terrace ()with a 360-degree city A.Hotel Lunetta Rome. B.Hotel Campo de'Fiori. view so good that people sit up there even on cold winter evenings.Guests are positively C.Brunetti 28 Guest House D.Hotel Sunset Roma encouraged by the hotel's friendly staff to take a book,a bottle of wine or a pizza to the roof This homey,four-star hotel has comfortable baroque rooms.The hotel is about 10 meters from historic B Turning soil,pulling weeds,and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middleand high school kids.And at first it is,says Abby Jaramillo,who with another teacher started A.The kids'parents distrusted her. Urban Sprouts,a school garden program at four low-income schools.The program aims to help B.Students had little time for her classes students develop science skills,environmental awareness,and healthy lifestyles. C.Some kids disliked garden work Jaramillo's students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to D.There was no space for school gardens. find and fast food restaurants outnumber grocery stores.、The kids literally come to school with 6.Which of the following best describes the impact of the program? bags of snacks and large bottles of soft drinks,、she says.、They come to us thinking vegetables A.Far-reaching.B.Predictable are awful,dirt is awful,insects are awful.、Though some are initially scared of the insects and C.Short-lived D.Unidentifiable. turned off by the dirt,most are eager to try something new. 7.What can be a suitable title for the text? Urban Sprouts'classes,at two middle schools and two high schools,include hands-on A.Rescuing School Gardens experiments such as soil testing.flower-and-seed dissection,tastings of fresh or dried produce, B.Experiencing Country Life and work in the garden.Several times a year,students cook the vegetables they grow,and they C.Growing Vegetable Lovers occasionally make salads for their entire schools D.Changing Local Landscape Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a result of the classes.、We have students who say they went home and talked to their parents and now they're eating differently,、Jaramillo says. Myopia,or nearsightedness,is a common eye condition in which you can see objects near to She adds that the program's benefits go beyond nutrition.Some students get so interested you clearly,but objects farther away are blurry.To see the farther clearly,you have the option of in gardening that they bring home seeds to start their own vegetable gardens.Besides,working in wearing eyeglasses,.or undergoing the more invasive refractive surgery(屈光手术) the garden seems to have a calming effect on Jaramillo's special education students,many of But Japan's Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings claims to have developed smart glasses that,if whom have emotional control issues.、They get outside,、she says,、and they feel successful.、 wom just an hour per day,can cure myopia.It projects an image onto the wearers'retina视网月膜) 4.What do we know about Abby Jaramillo? to correct the refractive error that causes nearsightedness.Obviously,wearing the device 60 to 90 A.She used to be a health worker. minutes a day corrects myopia. B.She grew up in a low-income family. So how does the technology developed by Kubota work exactly?Well,according to a C.She owns a fast food restaurant. company press release from December of last year,the special glasses rely on micro-LEDS to D.She is an initiator of Urban Sprouts. project virtual images on the visual field to make the retina active.Apparently,it can do that 5.What was a problem facing Jaramillo at the start of the program? without affecting the wearer's daily activities. Founded by Dr.Ryo Kubota.Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings is still testing the device. The study looked at blood samples of 4,835 participants from the Copenhagen Aging and known as Kubota Glasses,and trying to determine how long the effect lasts after the user wears Midlife Biobank to examine levels of inflammation ()、We have found a significant the device.And how much the ugly-looking glasses have to be wom for the correction to be association between partnership breakups or years living alone and inflammation for men only. permanent. after adjustment for selected confounders(干扰因素),、said Dr..Karolina Davidsen,research Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings began testing the glasses in the summer of last year,and is associate in the Department of Public Health at University of Copenhagen and publishing author currently conducting tests on about 25 people in the U.S to assess the effectiveness of its smart of the study.、In women,we find no such effect.、The study,-published in the journal BMJ, glasses.The company plans to begin selling the device in Asia in the second half of 2021,where looked at both years living alone and numbers of breakups because the end of significant there are more nearsighted people,but it has plans to enter other markets in the future. relationships are often followed by years living alone,the researchers wrote. 8.What does the underlined word、blurry、mean in the first paragraph? 、This study strengthens the link experts have seen between the nervous system and A.Familiar B.Different C.Impressive D.Unclear inflammation,which is a significant contributor to heart disease、,said Dr.Peter Libby,a 9.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about? cardiovascular(心血管的)medicine specialist at Brigham and Women's Hospital,who was not A.The effect of wearing the smart glasses.B.The disadvantages of the smart glasses. involved in the study,There is increasing understanding of fundamental links between C.The working principle of the smart glasses.D.The correct way of wearing the smart psychological stress and physical health related to infammation,Libby said. glasses Dr.Davidsen said that while women didn't report this finding,one reason for this could be 10.Why does the company decide to sell the glasses first in Asia? the fact that there were fewer women in the study than men. A.It wants to serve the Asians better. B.These glasses are more suitable for Asians. The levels of inflammation in the participants might also have looked different if they were C.Scientific development is slower in Asia D.There is more market demand in Asia. measured at more advanced ages,Davidsen added.The average age of those studied was 54. 11.What is the purpose of writing the text? 5years old,and it is possible that the impacts of the breakups and years living alone would have A.To solve a problem. B.To introduce a new product. continued as the participants aged,she said. C.Too present a research result. D.To give practical advice. 12.What element is looked at in the study? A.Blood types. B.Social status. D C.Cultural background. D.Periods of living alone. Research has previously shown that years living alone can have harmful effects on a person's 13.Why do women show no significant effects according to Davidsen? health,and a new study published Monday shows that at least one of those impacts may be A.Women handle loneliness better. particularly bad for men B.Fewer women are surveyed.

