30. Why are freshwater tut les at rik-A.Because loeal eovie hnt them for rumt.. Becauso thir parts hav wwt ueC.Be w use they strug e to survive in the wild.D.Because the y can be o cuptijuts.M 4. Whut vhauge hra(i le mta afikaAilin ha fneial eunition fne tion.D.Deleting hh-leval contr ul.C. nhing an tenhanen tol. D.Orring 12 phuto malies.
28. What does the “keyhole surgery example intend to show?A. Great complexity of robotic surgeryB.Physical challenges surge or is faceC. Surgi ca progresa enabled by robotic toolsD.Urge at need for ad yang ed aD technology.
1.Why does Lake make the call?A.To buy a bed. B.To ask for help. C.To make a complaint.