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[db:作者] 2024-01-08知识百科





(build) in a mountain valley from 200 to 500 meters above sea level, so the camellias could61roteee ted. Years ago, Huang Zain ian and his brothers took up the work. In the past 10be welle Huang brothers have made a great 622(contribute) in protecting the camellias. Evenyear mes they didn’t cut down any golden camellias.in hardtimfer year, the Huang brothers spent much time working 63year afte working 63 eventually made theirharardyork pay off. Now the golden camellia is64city flower of Fang cheng gang. And life forbrothers is greatly improved by65(plant) golden camellias.the Huangg br写作(共两节,满分40分)



20. In which part can people get the information about special events(A. The first part.B. The second part C.The third part.


第二节 共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。On 22 June, 2023, millions of people in China and around the world celebrated a traditionalholiday known as the Dragon Boat Festival. The day, also known as the Duan wu Festival,56(honor) one of the greatest poets in Chinese hiets in Chinese hip to ryl called u u an. When he drowned in a river in278 BC, people rowed out in boats580 efor him.BoThis inspired the Dragon Boat Festival, takes place each year on the day that Qu Yuandied- the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.Festivities vary in different parts of China. but they share several00tradition) . Theseinclude dragon boat racing, a traditional Chinese sport. Rowers sit in large boats that are shaped likedragons and paddlethe beat of a drum, which isfront of the boat. usual) played by someone at the

