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[db:作者] 2024-01-17知识百科





第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Computers are important. 21 you got one at home?You can do many things on the computer.As 22 student, you should write your homework. You can do 28 on the Internet. When youwant to have a good travel, you can check the times of trains and make 24. You can also sendemails or talk with your friends on it. When you 25 not busy, you can listen to music or see films onit. What's more, you can go 26 on the Internet. There you can almost 27 anything. Of course,you can play games on it, to o. 28 remember: don't spend too much time playing games. It's bad29 your eyes and study.Everything has two sides. Please use the 30 in the right time and place, and you can leam a lotfrom it.( )21.A.Do B.Does C.Have D.Has



贯完整。would doLong time ago, there was a king(国王) in Engl ain England. He was kind but too lazy. He woul331 except eating and sleeping. Soon he became 32 and heavy. Later, he couldnt even movehis body. He though t he was ill (生病的) . But no 33 in his country could help him.One day, an old man heard about the king’s 34. He wanted to help him. The king decided tolet him try. The old man lived far away . He 35 to the king, “I'll do my best to hel p yo You needto come to me for treatment (治疗) tomorrow. But you have to 36 to come to me for treatment (I'll do so, "the king answered.The next day the king 37 the man’s house on foot. After he arrived, the king found only theman’s s on was at home. The son told the king to coson told the king to come the next day. He came every day for two weeks,h 38 aw the old man. The king became 39. But then he found he became thinner. Hetheknew why the old man asked him to walk s o f ar.Walking can make people’s body healthy. It's easy and doesn’t cost 40( ) 31. A. something B. anything C. everythingD. nothingC. strongD.cute( ) 32. A. fat B. tallC.engineers D.children( ) 33.A. writers B.doctors( ) 34.A. story B.education C.hobby D. apartment( ) 35. A. sang B.heard C. said D.played( ) 36.A.wonder B.walk C. swing D.point( ) 37.A. listened to B.went out C. made up D. got to( ) 38.A.usually B.often C.always D.never( ) 39.A.outgoing B.creative C.angry D.personal


22. Which best suits a kid interested in sea creatures?A. Mad Science. B. Prehistoric Times.C. Splash TACULAR. D.The Wonderful World of Disney.

