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[db:作者] 2024-01-19知识百科





Symptoms of motion sickness can occur within minutes of experiencing motion and maylast for hours after the motion stimulus has ended. Many children feel better as soon as thevehicle they are riding in stops, and they're able to get out and walk around. 40 In somechildren, motion sickness symptoms can last for several hours.A.What causes motion sickness?B. However, this is n't always a guarantee.C.Who may suffer from motion sickness easily?D.Instead, anyone may suffer when experiencing real or perceived motion.E. In rare cases, severe problems, such as the inability to walk, may also oc eur.F.As a matter of fact, the visual system detects motion but the body remains still.G.This is usually the lowest level in trains and buses, as well as close to the water level in boats.



A. Panic.34.What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A.Social interaction will decrease among drivers.B. Most people don't advocate self driving technology.C. A car can convey information to another immediately.C.D.A heere’s a long way to go before interaction among vehicles.re's


30.What is likely to happen next year?A.More baby whales can be seen in Virginia's coast.B.The birth rate may grow sharply.C. 31 calves will be born.D.The birthing season will be earlier.

