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[db:作者] 2024-01-24知识百科





Thoughpr mally190.What is a possible way to deal with the UP F problem?A. To handle the tobacco problem first.B. To limit the production of UP F.C. To ban people from consuming UP F.D. To raise people's awareness of healthy diet.



Ⅵ.短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10小题,计10分)____One day, a crow(乌鸦) saw a swan(天鹅) on the beach. The crow laughed at him and said,Can you fly as 61.____as I do? Do you have as many flying skills as I do? How stupidyou are!”Hearing this, the swan thought the crow needed to be 62.____a lesson. He asked thecrow, “Do you dare to compete with me?The competition will take place in two stages (阶段) . In the63.____stage, you can show your flying skills, and I will do the same. In the second stage,you 64.____copy what I will do.”The competition 65.____. At first the crow showed different ways of flying. But the swancould do nothing. Next, the swan flew to the se a. The crow followed 66.____..“Is this all youcan do?”the crow asked. The swan just flew 67.____, but didn’t stop. After flying for a longtime, the crow was so 68.that he could hardly fly and almost fell into the se a.____Seeing this, the swan said to the crow, “You have flying skills, but I can fly 699.____thanyou. Everyone has his own strong and weak points. One should never think that he 70.____y bli perfectwhle others can do nothing.”九年级英语第二次阶段性作业B(外研社版) 第6页(共8页)


( ) 11. What does John usually do after work?A. Go jogging by the river.B. Play video games.C. Exercise at home.

