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天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语

[db:作者] 2024-01-29知识百科
天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量

天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语选择部分

天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语

18.Which workshop is mainly intended for foreign students?A.The Anxiety workshop.B.The Adjusting workshop.C.The Communicating workshop.

2、天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语填空题部分

天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语

The next eveningpeace while I waited for my 51 to compete. But I felt anhe gthe result I was able to let in all the joy of being in the game. I felton nedhad no idea of the result Medals truly did not 54. I had accomplishedideworlsomething far gre are r than a w or id record. I had felt the 55 of bof being myself with everyhìngg farre afootstep of the routine.B. informed C. convinced D. guaranteed42. A. reactionB. benefited C. learned D. recovered41. A. warnedB. dream C.goal D. determination

3、天一大联考 亳州市普通高中2023-2024学年度第一学期高一期末质量检测英语阅读理解部分

5.How much would it cost to stay at the Swiss Chalet for a week?A. 100 dollars. B. 115 dollars. C. 126 dollars.

