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[db:作者] 2024-01-31知识百科





10.What will Lisa do first?A.Talk with her mom.B.Give David a call. C.Take a piano lesson.



neBrian, an artist, had just moved to Santa An a. He would pass a homeless man on his wayhome from work. One day, when Brian was reading a book in his living room about the power of41 iin rian42in action, the homeless man passed by outside the window. A second later, he made a(n)y de. He was going to go outside and 43 himself.In that first conversation, Brian learned that the man was Matt Far is, who ended up living onthe street after his unsuccessful career in 44. Inspired by his personality and life story, Briana portrait(肖像画) of the man. Brian sold the portrait for a few thousand dollars and put itinto a“love accaccount”for his 46 He formed Faces of Santa An a, a n on-profit organizationthat 47ppainting portraits of homeless members of the community. He then used the 48 tohelp people get back on their feet.Many of Brian's new friends used the donations to 9 immediate necessities—medicalcare, hotel rooms, and food. Far is used the fund from his portrait to record an album, 50hismusical dream. Kimberly, who had never financially 51 her daughter, used the money to payher daughter's rent.“When the check was 52 , they both wept in my arms, ”Brian recalls.And there's more to the finished 53 than the money they bring. He’s discovered that theu yers 54 to connect to the story of the person in the painting, finding similarities withsomeone they might have 55 overlooked.C1. A. speech B.team C. love D.belief42. A. decision B.announcement C.will D.requestB433. A. enjoy B. introduce C. help D.promoteD44. A. sports B.painting C.literature D.musicC45. A. found B.chose C.created D. bought46. A. model B.genius C.sponsor D. interviewerD. accounted forC47. A. gave up B.learned from C.focused on8. A. advice B.fund C. resource D.encouragement49. A. appreciate B.reserve C.discuss D.secure50. A. predicting B.shouldering C.boosting D. achieving351. A. guided B.supported C.challenged D.beggedA52. A. delivered B.donated C.packed D.measured53. A. products B.designs C.operation D. definitionC54. A. fail B.deserve C.tend D.expand


1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The next day, knowing I was actually going to play, I went to buy a mitt.____________But it turned out their coach was right: I could pitch.

