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山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语

[db:作者] 2024-02-01知识百科
山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语选择部分

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语

AThe Fish Festival is a traditional festival of the Miao People in Guizhou. It's from June 2nd 31 16th of the Chinese lunar calendar. The Miao people hold fish-catching 32 at the local rivers. It issaid that the more fish people catch, the more luck they'll have for the rest of the yeaear.At midnight before the festival, several people shout the coming of the festival from thehills. Early the next morning, Miao girls 33 themselves in colorful ethnic costumes(民族服装) to welcome the festival. At the opening ceremony(仪式) , some 34 men hang a cow in a____tree. Lots of people come together on the river banks and watch the opening ceremony. It’sreally 35!After the opening ceremony, the fish-catching begins. Fish-catching 36 catching fish from thesky as well as taking them from the river. A group of people jump into the river 37 try to catchfish. At the same time, another group tries to catch fish that people throw into the air. If onecatches one fish, he will get good 38Besides fish-catching, 39 activities include bamboo pole dancing, winding Lush eng (atraditional Miao instrument) and singing Miao songs. The festival 40 ends in a happy waterfight.31.A.to B 7 for C.in D.at32.A. sports B competitions C.food D.fruits33. A make B.run C.dress D.go34. A.polite B.general C.convenient D.strongC35.A. boring B. amazing C.relaxing D.use ful36. A. has B.comes C.includes D.promises37.A and B.or C.but D.so38.A/luck B.chances C.money D.lines38.

2、山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语填空题部分

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语

4.What can be learned about the woman?A.She also left the game early.B.She missed the whole game.C.She is curious about the result.

3、山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(一)1英语阅读理解部分

2.Where does the woman suggest the man ge t his bat?A.On the website.B.From the shop. C.At the court.

