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百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语

[db:作者] 2024-02-12知识百科
百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1、百

百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语选择部分

百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语

7.Where will the speakers go first?A. The garage. B. The supermarket. C. The gas station.

2、百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语填空题部分

百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语

In some areas, especially the American West, gas stations can be a hundred miles away.A.You may end up in a boring part of town.B.You can find this information online.C.When planning your route, consider what kinds of roads to take.D.Also, be sure to investigate fuel availability where you're headed.E.It's good to take an emergency phone with you.F.Research as much as possible and cross-reference your sources.G.A quick look through them can fuel your inspiration.

3、百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(四)4 湖南卷英语阅读理解部分

31. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. How kangaroos get food B. Why kangaroos are our friendsC. Kangaroos can “talk”to us D. Kangaroos are cleverer than we thought

