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2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语

[db:作者] 2024-02-14知识百科
2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语得系列试题及

2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语选择部分

2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语

30.What can we infer about the subjects of the 2013 study?A.They tended to nap more. B.They were inactive in daytime.C.They came out of their naps slowly.D.They didn't get enough nighttime sleep.

2、2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语填空题部分

2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语

12. How will the woman probably get to the tennis courts? (B. On foot.A.By car.C. By subway;

3、2023~2024学年核心突破XGKG DONG (二十七)27XGKG DONG试题英语阅读理解部分

42. A. get by通过市过,勉强混B. get down写人经下C.get around在开四处D.get up43. A. unexpectedly B.directly C.unwillingly D.secretly44. A. salary B.discountC.word D.gesture45. A. nothing B.something C.anything D.everything46. A. exists B.disappears C.decreases D.differs47. A. office B.state C.street D.village48. A. travel B.trade C.survive D.suffer49.A.flexible B.convenient C.adventurous D.stressful50. A. afford B.collect C.accept D.request51. A. in short B.in turn C.in store D. in place52.A.bankers B.managers C.customers D.officials53.A.embarrassed B.amazed C.inspired D.confused54. A.order B.performance C. movement D.culture55. A.forbid B.remind C.force D.permit第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

