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[db:作者] 2024-03-02知识百科





14.How did the man learn to paint as a little kid?A.By teaching himself.B.By learing from his mother.C.By studying together with his friends.



came to $273!You can 42CBshock and gratitude my parents felt in that D13 It's not every daythat susuch a selfless act of kindness comes your way, and it 44vers your faith inhumanity. They were so touched byby this strat ranger's generosity(慷慨既).This excellent gesture has 45Any pparents to pay it forward in the most amazing waypossible. They've decided to 46D4heve and kindness they received by doing something47Cfor someone else. It's like a positive chain reaction that will keep onIt'sa beautiful reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a 49Ceffectfui reon others. Together, we can create a50 4led with sympathy, love, and generosity.So, let's take a moment to the incredible stranger who brightened my parents' dayand inspired them to pay it forward. Let's also remember that we all have the52B.o makemakesome de one’s day a little 5331 hether it's througthrough a smile, a kind word, or a smlact of5 CTogether, we can make this world a 55place, one act of love at a time.41. A. paid for B.watched overC.focused on D.referred to42. A. mention B.guess C.measure D.honor43. A. activity B.section C.standard D.moment44. A. severely B.really C.sincerely D.frequently45. A. encouraged B.persuaded C.forced D.warned46. A. make B.enlarge C.spread D.pack47. A. reliable B.cheap C.wonderful D. random48. A. giving B. remembering C.receiving D. shining49. A. small B.silent C.deep D.slow50. A. dream B.world C.chance D.situation51. A. realize B.remind C.admit D.praise52. A. root B.power C.reward D.anxiety53. A. right B.timely C.needy D.bright54. A. success B.wisdom C.kindness D.bravery


26.What can be inferred about My Octopus Teacacher?27.Which word can best describe Craig?AA. It is based on a teacher's storyry.C. It suggests exploring the oB.It highlights the anima h protection.ng the ocean peacefully. D. It shows humans'harmony with animals.

